Trump is playing hardball with the Democrat’s South American traveling mob.

He’s threatening to send the US military to our southern border if they don’t turn back or if the Guatemalan government is unable or unwilling to stop them from reaching our borders.

The Left crying foul, as they attempt to paint rule of law Republicans as monsters for wanting President Trump to stop tens of thousands of foreigners from illegally crossing our nation’s borders.

The issue of illegal aliens crossing into the United States is not a new problem, in fact, it’s a problem that’s been dogging our nation for decades. Many candidates and politicians on both sides of the aisle have made promises about securing our borders. Democrats, like Barack Obama, talked tough on illegal aliens.

Watch Barack Obama talk about how we cannot allow illegal aliens to enter our country or U.S. employers to give them jobs, while illegal aliens are “circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”

President Trump, in a brilliant tweet that includes the not so subtle reminder of Obama admonishing illegal invaders, included words we thought we’d never see coming from him: “I agree with President Obama 100%!”

Unfortunately, for liberal hypocrites, the internet lives forever…


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