This is not satire from The Onion but hilarious and awkward tweets from Democrats supporting the first-ever “National Period Day.”

Yes, feminist activists took it upon themselves to deliver some wacky tweets promoting period products for everyone. The question should be…Who in the world would be against THAT? Also, where have the feminist women in Congress been, and why haven’t they dealt with this already? Are they too busy trying to kick the president out of the White House?

Presidential Candidate Julian Castro claims “people” have periods, and Dinesh D’Souza calls him out on it:

Beto O’Rourke supports the “Menstrual Equity Act”…Dr. Carol M. Swain delivers a truth bomb right back at O’Rourke and Democrats:

Check out this Twitter PSA that won’t appeal to most people male or female…it’s just outrageous and gross. People on the screen start to bleed from the nose…a big turnoff.

“Period poverty”???

Dr. Carol Swain says it best:

“I wish Democrats ould govern rather than obstruct, complain & invent new injustices.”

Cory Booker did some pandering too:


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