The latest rendition of the frightening horror movie Halloween is set to release on October 19, 2018, and Jamie Lee Curtis is the main attraction next to masked slasher Michael Myers. When she’s not dodging Myer’s slash attacks in the movie, then she’s off promoting it at events like the Toronto International Film Festival.
Critics were loving the movie after catching a sneak preview of it during the festival. Actors and actresses talked about it, galavanted with some other guests, and most likely enjoyed a fun event. It has been years since a good Halloween movie was released, with the original dating back to 1978. It seems to be a refreshing take on a classic case of horror.
Everything seemed to be fine and then Jamie Lee Curtis was talking to people and she let out an anti-American joke that some might have laughed at, but others perhaps rolled their eyes. It’s like we can’t escape politics for five minutes without some snotty-nosed celebrity trashing the country, am I right?
So there she was, talking it up, and joking around about living in America. Sure it was just a joke, but others may not have seen it that way because it came off as rather personal to her. After all, she’s a Hillary lover. Remember the time she gave a speech at a Hillary event and pulled the “woman card” out of her pocket and called Hillary Clinton an angel?
Remember when she said we’re going to welcome Hillary Rodham Clinton as the next President of the United States? Yeah, she was wrong.
An audience member asked if Jamie was ever scared or affected by player her character, Laurie. That was when she dissed America and the political climate in Washington. She said “You know, life’s a little scary. I live in America… This (expletive’s) getting real, so I’m scared every day.”
Meanwhile, back in America, we’re all wondering what she’s actually scared of. She’s a wealthy woman who likely lives “near enough to hear the ocean” according to her profile. Maybe she’s scared of a bad storm. What else could she be scared of?
I’m a huge horror fan and I’ll still see the movie because I was interested in this well before she dabbed her finger into politics. I know deep inside that this woman wouldn’t leave America no matter what. She loves living in the greatest place on Earth and loves her home state of California. I am able to separate my political interests from the nonsense, enjoy a good movie or two, and then go back to laughing at Jamie as she talks about it being scary in America.
Doesn’t Jamie Lee Curtis realize how scary it would be if Hillary Clinton was running the country? That could be a horror movie right there!!
I know Jamie was joking about living in America being scary. However, I think she should visit Chicago or Baltimore late at night without security. I bet she would literally be scared out of her pants. The next time she talks about America being scary, she should think about the people who actually live in rough neighborhoods while her rich entitled Democrat self lives in a luxurious location, probably has a huge house with a big border wall around it and she’s sleeping safely every night.
Other people hear gunshots all night.
Can we talk about who is safe and who isn’t?
All jokes aside, hers was really bad and she should probably reconsider saying she’s scared to live here.
What’s your opinion of Jamie Lee Curtis? Will you be cheering for Michael Myers in the latest Halloween movie when he goes after her?