This is rich…

Hillary Clinton wants to shut down what she considers ‘false information’ on Facebook.

This coming from the woman who looked parents of the dead Benghazi victims in the eye and lied to them about the cause of the attack. Clinton also promised parents she would get to the bottom of what happened:

Benghazi victim Sean Smith’s mother Patricia Smith revealed in a conversation on CNN that she actually didn’t know much about what happened to her son — despite the fact that the Benghazi attack occurred years ago. Smith says Hillary Clinton promised to “get back to” her following her son’s funeral ceremony in Washington, D.C., no one had since contacted her on the matter. “She has not called me. She has not contacted me. She has not given me any information,” she said, “except to tell me that I am not a member of the immediate family and I do not need to know.” The frustrated, bereaved mother of Sean Smith went on to repeat her claim that — despite being the mother of the fallen diplomat — she wasn’t told anything after the funeral ceremony because they didn’t consider her a member of the immediate family. “I saw on TV the bloody fingerprints on the walls over there. I asked specifically, ‘Are those my son’s fingerprints crawling down the walls?’” she cried. “Somebody’s got to tell me!”

Hillary Clinton has some nerve!


In fact, Hillary Clinton is one of the worst offenders of false information.

“Facebook’s decision to allow false information in political advertisements is appalling.

Voters are being confronted by millions of pieces of misinformation.

A world where up is down and down is up is a world where democracy can’t thrive.”

The false information pumped out by CNN and MSNBC wasn’t mentioned by Clinton. Of course, she must believe all of their propaganda is truth.


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