Democrats are still unable to accept the 2016 election results.

They’re so afraid they can’t beat Trump again in 2020, that they’re desperately trying to impeach him, hoping it will hurt his reputation with voters.

But will the coup attempt of President Trump by House Democrats backfire?

House Democrats are bracing for a stark party-line vote Thursday on the impeachment inquiry against President Trump that will highlight the partisan nature of the probe and give him fresh ammunition to argue that he is being railroaded.

According to the Washington Times – House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries said he didn’t know if his side can garner any Republican support in the vote to formally set the process for an inquiry that has been racing forward for more than a month.

“Every member of the House of Representatives tomorrow will have to decide, ‘Are we going to put principle over party, the Constitution over corruption and democracy over dereliction of duty?’” Mr. Jeffries told reporters. “I expect the overwhelming majority of Democrats are going to support this resolution and it’s going to pass.”

Democrats appeared to abandon hope of securing GOP defectors for the vote, as Republicans closed ranks ahead of the first test of the push to punish Mr. Trump for prodding the Ukraine president to investigate corruption involving former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, a political rival, and his son Hunter.

Another problem for the Democrats is that the majority of Americans don’t want an impeachment inquiry. A new poll by Suffolk University survey done for USA Today is bad news for the partisan Democrat lawmakers.

According to BPR – Don’t expect this to get much play in today’s media, but a new poll shows that more Americans want the Democratic Party to pull the plug on its partisan impeachment inquisition than those who want to see President Trump impeached.

The choices were:

A) The House of Representatives should vote to impeach President Trump.
B) The House should continue investigating Trump, but not vote to impeach him.
C) Congress should drop its investigations into President Trump and administration.

A plurality of those responded, 37%, said the House should drop its investigations, according to the Examiner. Thirty-six percent of those polled said the House should vote to impeach and 22% said the House should continue investigating the president but not impeach.

Five percent were trying to figure out what planet they were on and did not give an answer on the secret impeachment inquiry taking place in the basement of the U.S. Capitol.

The results also show how partisan the issue of impeachment is:

Seventy percent of Democrats said the House should vote to impeach, while just 8% of Republicans and 22% of independents favored an impeachment vote. […]

And just 8% of Democrats favored dropping the House investigations altogether, while 71% of Republicans and 36% of independents favored the no-more-investigations option.


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