Yesterday, social media was buzzing after The Huffington Post actually posted a story that not only backed up Trump’s assertion about Sweden being a hot mess, but it called out journalists for lying about how the invasion of immigrants are destroying European nations. The title of the article in and of itself, is bad enough: “Trump is absolutely right about Sweden”…but the honesty with which the writer approaches the subject is even more stunning. Not surprisingly, after getting a lot of negative reaction from the left who felt the Huffington Post let them down by actually telling the truth, the Huffington Post deleted the story. Our friend @TEN_GOP was kind enough to archive the story before they deleted it.
President Trump tweeted clarification of the comments he made about Sweden that the Huffington Post author René Zografos referenced in his article:
My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 19, 2017
After The Huffington Post deleted his article, René Zografos came out in defense of his words and of Trump comments about Sweden on Twitter:
Trump is absolutely right about Sweden
— René Zografos (@zokrates) February 22, 2017
Here he Zografos defends his article as “nothing but the truth.“:
Thank you for all supports so far, kind people. The story is nothing but the truth.. #truth #media #Trump
— René Zografos (@zokrates) February 23, 2017
Here is the text from the actual story before Huffington Post deleted it:
Trump is absolutely right about Sweden
Sweden has huge problems because of liberal immigration policy
Many journalists around the world are eager to condemn Donald Trump no matter what. When he tweeted about immigration in Sweden few days ago, the social media exploded. Most of the opponent said that Trump has made up the immigration problem Sweden have. They are wrong.
Only hours later there was a riot of violence and destructions by immigrants in the capitol of Sweden, Stockholm. The police was forced to shoot with ammunition to put and end to it. In Malmö, another city south in Sweden they have struggle with gang violence and lawlessness for years. So when Trump talk about that Sweden have an immigration problem he is actually spot on.
It’s well known for Scandinavians and other Europeans that liberal immigration comes with drugs, rapes, gang wars, robbery and violence. Additional to that we see the respective nations cultures fading away, for good and for bad.
But the immigration problem is not only a Swedish predicament. The truth is, that several European cities have huge immigration problems where even the police force is afraid to interfere in some locations in these cities. UK, France and several other European countries are changing rapidly with extreme quantity of immigration. I’m not saying immigration is only bad, but a lot of problems come with poor immigration policy, as consequences we get violence, terror and gangs. The fact is that the press here in Europe hasn’t doing their job properly. There is this fear for journalists to not report the basic truth – which is that Europe has enormous problems that comes from liberal immigration politics, and as we also now can see in Sweden, but also here in Norway. But it’s not political correct for journalists to say or write that immigration in Europe is unsuccessful. When that said, most of the people that come from other countries are behaving flawless and are a gift to our society, but then again to report that everything is all good is simply wrong and these journalists should find another job, because they do not have enough integrity that requires to be decent journalist.
Go here to see the actual archived article.