I’ve thrown out this question before, and it’s always been FASCINATING to see the results!

Based on some intel I’ve received, I think President Trump has read these responses personally.

I can’t prove that, but I am pretty sure he’s seen some of these — and enjoyed them.

So I thought I’d do it again right now, since it’s always so fun to read all the messages.

This is started when I saw a photo of President Trump going to shake the hand of a regular American.

You know, not someone famous, just someone like you or me.

So I thought if President Trump was coming my way with his hand out for a handshake and I had one moment to say something to the man, what would I say?

More importantly, what would YOU say?

So I asked you in this survey:

NATIONAL SURVEY: If President Trump Came To Shake Your Hand, What Would You Say To Him?

If you haven’t added your answer yet, please tap above and tell me what YOU would say.

I am having so much fun reading these.

I’ll post an update tomorrow, but for right now here are all the responses we have so far….

These are great!

Please enjoy reading these.

And like I said last night, I know President Trump or some of his advisors read this website, so I hope that you will show this directly to our rPOTUS!

He deserves to read every single one of these.

Add yours here so he can see it:

NATIONAL SURVEY: If President Trump Came To Shake Your Hand, What Would You Say To Him?


Belinda Do you really think the democrat majority can be overturned?   Thank you for being the best President of my lifetime.
Cindee Ah..Our President of Peace!
Thank you, Mr. President!
I have more Honor and respect
For you than any other president
In my lifetime. Bless you!
Blanca Yes
Trudy I want you back!
Donna Thank you so much for fighting for America. For taking abuse from MSM and other haters  for us. We love you!
Margaret I would give him a hug or two while firmly shaking his hand.  In so many words I will tell him America and all patriots need him to return to the new White House, whatever state he chooses.    America first!!!
June Thank you !!
Lisa Thank you!!!
Christa thank you for all you have done and run for 2024
Paul I would ask him to go with his gut feelings and never hesitate with government concerns.  For instance, during the riots last year before election he should have taken over for the states not willing to secure their states as a national security issue.  Send the national guard in and detain the governor or mayor’s who oppose government control of areas out of control.

The country is only the country if we all work together.  Individuals working against our basic beliefs cannot be in office unless they support America.

These types of issues are complex and new to the United States and have to be all about keeping the people safe.

Arlene Thank you for all you have done for me and my country! May God Bless you forever!
Marlene Thank you for being one of the most honest and best Presidents we have ever had. I felt safe with you in the White House. We miss you!
Dawn Thank you for all you did to make our country great again. I’m so sorry you were hounded for 4 years straight but know the Lord is with you. And please come back when the gate is opened to you. God bless and keep you.
Carla Gault Thank you, I love this country as much as you do. WE WANT YOU BACK
carla You won, Mr. President!
Ann The ONLY good thing about Biden/Harris in our beloved White House is that it makes our whole country see just how outstanding you, Mr. President performed as our elected president. Thank you, sir!❤
Elizabeth Thank you for putting America first, protect life, our freedoms and being on side of  Israel.
Josie I would say wow, I finally get to meet you face to face !! Thank you for the great job you did for America. Also I would ask a favor concerning my son. And tell him Jesus loves him.
Cynthia I would say, ‘ President Trump, Thanks you for the best 4 years America has ever known!  You did it with the bomb bardment of the most evil bunch of Rinos, dems, news and media trying to take you down.  I salute you sir!  May God Bless you and your family!
Jeff Why didn’t you inact Marshal Law to take care of the fraud and steal of our last election?
Danielle Thank you! You’re the best.
Patricia You are the greatest President the USA has ever had, It is such an honor to meet you & shake your hand!!! We need you back in power as our Commander and Chief, the vile Democrats need to be in prisoner, we are living in fear because of their evil rulings!!!
Marla Moore Thank you for your sacrifice in serving our country and the American people.  We desperately need you to return as our President.  We’ve seen the evidence of how the 2020 election was monumentally stolen from you.
Dwight Thank you, and how can I help. I pray God will guide you and Bless you.
Deb Bless you Mr President!
Cathy Help us!!
Sue After hellos and introductions,   I would thank him for all he did as President to help save America! I would also tell him how very much it means to me and those that have supported him; when he speaks on TV. He has awakened us all to just how deep the swamp is and I hope he will continue to help us all…..
Mike Welcome!  What are we going to do to get our country back?
Patricia Is my honor to meet you,we miss our President
Angie You are the first politician who did what you promised to do for the people.
Arlene I miss you so much!
Judy R It’s an honor to meet you, Sir. You are/were an amazing President.
Teresa Thank you Mr. President for being there for us, even with all the mean and inconsiderate people. God Bless you Donald, Melanie, and Barron. Thank you.
David Thank you
Andrea Thank you and God bless you – now and always
Mark It’s a greatest honour to shake hands with the greatest president in history.
Donna Thank you for having been our president and I will vote for you if you run again.
Make America great again!
Joan Thank you for all you do for this country and hurry back!  God bless you.
Jenni Thankyou for all your hard work.
Steve President Trump, You are a great leader, hopefully we can get back on track soon!! Thank you very much
Luis God is good!!
Lois I pray for you every day – God bless you!
Tammi Thank you for being our president for the last 4 years. Please do whatever you can continue to do to help us through these troubling times.
Carol Thank you Mr President. God has called you and has chosen you for such a time as this, He will make America great again through you.
Nancy Thank you Mr. President for all your tireless work to make this country great again. I look forward to you taking your rightful seat again.
Gladys Thank you President ,Trump for you are the true President, for all you’ve done for this country. We your supporters are ready for you to take your rightful place in the White House where you belong, once again. God bless you and your family.
Linda Thank you, Mr President
Sandy We Love You, Our President Trump!!
Sally Waiting in anticipation of you being back in office, Mr. President.
George Why did you leave the White House when you knew you were cheated?
beat be careful who your advisors are!
Claire Thank you so much, please come back, we need you!
Chloe God bless you and your family. Thank you doesn’t come close to expressing my love and prayers for all you have done
Jan Thank you president Trump. You were a great president and helped us realize we need an outsider and business person to run this country effectively!
Robert God bless you Mr. President!!!
Barb We miss you & the country needs you back as our President.
Robert Sir, It is a great honor to meet you, Thank you for making America GREAT again. When are you kicking scary Joe out of the White House and draining the swamp?
Michele Thank you for being the GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!
Carol I am so pleased to shake your hand, I have prayed around the clock for you, and for protection. You are my President and my God chose you to be the man to lead the nation.
Amanda Thank you, Sir.
John I would tell him that he’s the best President in the history of the United States and encourage him to get on with taking back our country from evil because that’s God’s will for him.
Karen I would have to hug him and say thank you for protecting us.
Doreen I would say Thank You Mr President!  We know you did all you could to help this country get back on the right track!  We love you and Melania
Richard Thank you for being the best president ever,and when are you coming back,we need you?
Joyce You are the best President ever and we need you back in office. I respect you for all you have done and I’m so sorry Biden is destroying all you have done. I have a lot of faith you will be back. God Bless you and your family. MAGA!!!!!
patricia Great job and thank you for putting America first!
Phyllis You are my President. We love you.
Fonda I’m so honored to meet you and may God keep on blessing you.
PAT please save the children and take the SWAMP OUT
James Thank you for all of your hard work.  Please get back in there, break time is over.
Sally Thank God for you President Trump!
Del God bless you! Acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior! Seek wisdom and return as our President.
Keane I would thank him for protecting America as long as he could. He would also remember me from 2007. As you can tell in my profile photo  I have already met him.
Susan We need your leadership Sir!
Cheryl Thank you Mr. President for all your have done for all of us and the bravery you have shown and encouraged us to have. You have inspired millions and will continue to inspire millions more in the future.
linda Well done God’s faithful servant and now is the time to abolish abortion in our country!!!
Roscoe Good luck in leading the Republican Party.   What do you think the most important issues we have.   I think they are border, deficit spending, the electrical grid, cyber protection and China.
Rodney Thank You.
Eileen You did a great job leading our nation and I can’t wait until you are our President once again.
Mary Ann Thank you for all you did for us. I’m sorry we couldn’t override the corruption.
John Sure miss your leadership sir.
Linda I would say thank you and never give up. This country needs a president like you.
Sharon Please run again Sir.
Sam Thank you Sir for all you have done for America!  I am 100% behind you on this issue with the Demoncrats stealing the election.  What they did was pure treason & they all need to be sent to Guantanimo Bay for the rest of their worthless lives.  Many of them need to be executed for treason!
Errol Mr President Sir , I am truly honored to have to shake your hand , Commander In Chief , Sir.
Mart Thank you President Trump! You “are”the best President ever!!! You will always be my President!!!! I love you!!!
Sam You won, tell us what we can do
BETTY You are the Greatest President that has ever served the people.  Thank you Mr President! Come back now we need you!!
Kathy Thank you.  You were the greatest President in my lifetime and I miss you.
Cheri Thank you President Trump! I love you and appreciate your love of our country! Please run again!
David 1. You won. They stole it.

2. The “open border crisis” is a distraction … based on your #1 campaign issue … to manage “the Narrative.”

3. One election day, photo ID & paper ballots. Period.  (If not, no ID for Covid injections.)

4. Spending & debt have been weaponized.

Fight on.
Never, Never, Never, Never, NEVER QUIT!

Diana Thank you and glad you’re back. God bless you!
Donna Thank you and God is not finished with you yet.
J Thanks for walking away from the fight when we needed you most. Thanks for making all of these weak minded people on our side believe in some fairy tale for adults master mystery plan. All this accomplishes is giving them a false hope and paralyzes them from taking any real action in the ral world to stop the traitors in our government who are working on behalf of the ccp and other entities to destroy America from within. You could have declared martial law and proven the election was a fraud instead you let the traitors control the narrative and get away with the greatest crime in our history. The worst part is most of these people can’t come to grips with the reality of that so instead they believe you’re working in the shadows and our really in control. WHICH IS BATSHIT FUCKING INSANE. We’ve got people counting letters in text messages and somehow coming up with that that means everything is going to be ok. Are you in the White House? Are you setting policy? NO commie joey is. But these people have the worst case of cognitive dissonance the world has ever seen and it’s all because you just walked away. And yes he did walk away, he’s not in control of a shadow government he’s not coming back to the WHite house “any day now” I’ve seen all of everyone’s batshit ideas and they’re just that, batshit. If you all really cared about America and really wanted to stop what’s happening you would come back to reality and stand and fight for our country, the way it’s always been done. If you still think you don’t have to do anything and someone else is going to come solve all of this for you you’re delusional. We will never have our country back or have victory without making hard sacrifices. Reading drops and texts and making up nonsensical connections that don’t mean shit is not sacrificing. It’s playing children’s games. And to those that keep spewing this nonsense and perpetuating this bullshit, you are actively harming America by giving the weak minded false hope. If everyone were forced to realize it’s up to us to save America just like it always has been then they would have to face reality and start to work towards that goal. Not playing “get the popcorn”
Ron Thank you for the faith
Annette I love you and miss you!
Joan Come back!!
Divinasenia May God bless and protect you and your family.
Mike We miss You Mr President and may God Bless You and Your Family
Lisa I’m proud of you and all you did for America.
jon Thank you for the plan! Keep the faith & keep on rolling!
laurie God bless you, sir
Ann Hang in there, Mr. President, God is with you and with the USA. God Bless us all!
Mary God bless you Mr. Trump. Stay close to God. I had been praying for you.
David Sir, thank you for giving up so much to help so many.   May God bless you and your endeavors.
Sandra Thanks for 4 great years.  Miss you and need you back as President.  Praying for you and your family.
JoAnne My pleasure, Mr. President. I sure miss you!
Jack Thank you Mr. President. Looking forward to having you lead this great nation again soon .
Mike Thanks for not giving up on our great country
Marti You are the best President in my lifetime.  I am so proud of you and yours!  The first lady was a jewel too!
Kris Fantastic job.  We need you more than ever before.
Donna We believe in you, you are our president! Thank you for all you do and have done for our country!
Charlene Thank you Sir for what you have done! Can’t wait to see you in the oval office where you belong. Looking forward to seeing you keep America great these next 4 years!
Evelyn Thank you Sir.
Jacquillen God Bless You for all your hard work and dedication to the USA. We love you and will always stand behind you.
Sharon I want to thank you for having a heart for the American people while you actively held office, and believe the Lord that you will be back in a very short while. You are in my prayers………..God bless you and all your family.
Michael You are the rightful POTUS. The election was stolen!
sherry Thank you for all you did for we the people and America
Shairl He will never be in my state. But he has reoeated a vouple of my jokes.
Andrew I would thank him for the love he has for this country, for the people of this country and for the God that we serve who is the foundation of our country! Great leaders who are bold enough to stand for all that is sacred here in this country are very few and far between.  Thank you President Trump!!
Brooke Thank You & We, The American People, Love You!
PS- Help Fix U.S. Please!
Nancy Thank-you for helping “we the people” get back our nation. May the Lord bless you greatly.
Nancy Praise the Lord Sir, You Are Coming Home!
Carol God bless, guide & keep you, Sir. You’re still my president!
Suman Thank him and ask him why he did not listen to Sidney Powell and Patrick Byrne and sent troops to count votes live on Television and expose the fraud?
Patricia Our beautiful USA misses you, we want you back where you belong.
Jayne It’s my honor! Thank you Mr. President!
Laurie Thank you for being my president.
Otmar Please take back your rightful place
Robin Thank you and God Bless you. I believe you are called to bigger things.  I support you whole heartily.
Steve You back in the political mix ASAP and you’re the best president since Reagan
Mr, President it is a great honor to meet you Sir Marvin
Whitney Thank you for Lifting the Curtain showing us deep state
William I would ask him since the wall is paid for is there anyway that it could be put up by volunteers willing to finsh the work. And I would also say that you are the greatest President America has ever had. Plus you should put yourself on mount Rushmore. That would make the Democrats go totally mentally insane.
God Bless you President Trump. And please get the Republicans back in the house and Senate so we can use the 25th amendment against this totally DISGRACEFUL President that was obviously stolen the election. Thanks.
Lisa Thank you for standing strong for Americans!!
Kathleen I would tell him we need him badly as our President and please don’t disappoint us.  We pray every day for your help to save our Republic.
mike you were the best president i have ever seen  hope u run again and a honor to meet you.
Leola God bless you and your family.
Susan Thank you and don’t give up the fight! America needs you!
naomi I would thank him for all that he has done for the United States. I would also tell him to take his rightful place in the White House. I would tell him that I am praying for him and his family.
Judith Thank you!
joe thank you for all you did for this country, please continue to fight for us
Patricia Thank you Mr. President, waiting for your return!
Olive Thank you Mr. President for everything you have done.  Once you get back in office, you will make America Great Again!!!!!  Thank you, Sir!!!!
Jennifer I thank God for you, beloved President!
Stacey When are you coming back?   The courts are seeing the stolen election.
Lillian I miss you mr President Trump but I trust God and I know you will be back in the President sit as God said !! God bless you always.
Lucilda Lucilda
Patrick Thank you and come back
Dave God Bless you.
God is with you Deneen
Chris Thank you sir…
Denise Our nation needs you, how can I help??
cassandra Thank you.  Continue the work God began in you.  My family prays for you and your family.  God bless you and the United States of America.
jAN I I  wish  you  were  still  in  the  White  House  as  the  rightful  President.  Thank  you  for  ALL  YOU  DID.
Carole Thank you!
Freda May God continue to bless you, sir. Continue to do His good work. We the People are behind you 100%.
Bob Thank you and God Bless you and your family!
Pat Thank you for being such a great President
Patricia I really miss you!!!!
John God Bless and Thank You, sir!!
Kate Thank you for everything.  May God continue to bless you as you guide our nation.  Stay strong, we love you.
Terri Thank you and please don’t give up on americans we need you
Royston Never give up
Franque God Bless you and keep up the good work, we win in the end
Darla How much we love and appreciate him and how terribly we need him to lead us:-(
Ann Americans and America need you.  Please go back to our White House.
Randolph Thank you for making America great. God Bless you Sir!!!
Robert Miss you and get back in the WH. May God you  and the USA
Jerry Thank You, Please Hurry Back
Bonnie Thank you President Trump for making America Great Again while you were in office. God Bless you.
julie Thank you, we miss you, & are praying for you
Linda It is an ho or to shake your hand,Sir!
Peter Thank you very much for saving our country and us from those evil people.
Dan It should never happen, but id say how much an honor it is to s hake hes hand
Marcia God Bless You!  I want you back in the White House!
Deb Thank you, Mr President, for all that you’ve done for this country!
Kathryn Thank you Sir for all you’ve  sacrificed  for all of us
Pat Thank you so much for what you did for America! We miss having you in office but pray that will change soon.
Laurel Thank you Sir!  You have our highest respect & admiration for all that you have done and our doing for our wonderful planet earth.  Please get back to your rightful seat at the Oval Office ~ we all need you back & have your back.  Especially, to stop the awful inhumanity happening at the border against innocent children.
Loretta I’d say what the Lord would say……”Well done my good and faithful servant!”
Kamella Pollard I would say, “thank you for being so courageous”.
Marty It’s an honor to meet you President Trump. Thank you for your continued love and service to America.
jerry May THE LORD bless and protect you in these endeavors you are about to partake
Brandi Thank you for your work as President
Rose God Blees you, thank you and how can we help you save America
Michelle Thank you for all you did while in the White House and please run again and save our country hopefully before it’s destroyed by the democrats & RINOS.  Wish we could put you in your rightful place now. Still my President.🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Lynne Thank you for being a strong world leader, for keeping us safe, providing jobs, a great economy from tax cuts.
Bettyann Thank you for all you have done to free our people and of the world. You are a true leader! You are blessed with God’s righteousness.
Logan Thank you for trying to help us all.
Alice Thank you for the best 4 years as president of America that we have had in my 88 years of my life. You lost by great voter fraud and we will remember the evil the Democrats are now doing to undo the great work you did. They are able to do only evil against America. God bless your days of life and help you continue helping us in the right ways.
Kathy Thank you for standing up for us and sorry for how badly you have been treated.
Samuel Salute and say thank you Mr President
Kelly kallel Thank you for all you do.
l thank you for your service and your love for the American people.
Brad It’s a great pleasure to meet you mr President.
Patricia Keep your faith in God.  He is the answer.
Rance I Would say please save our Country!! Your the only one that can!!
Vladimir I’l wish to Him everything the best!
Patricia Patricia
Jeannie I would thank him!!!
Cheryl Thank you for loving us and America!
Kathe Gilbert Thank you Mr. President, you are the greatest President America has had since President George Washington, and as great as America’s Founding Fathers.
Kathy I am so very happy to meet you. You are the best President  we have ever had! God Bless you sir!
Maestro We still Believe in You President Trump and God Bless You for all of the sacrifices that you made for America and Democracy !!!
Trey You could have been great but you failed. Why?
kent Thank you mr President, god willing you will be back
Dorothy Tarasek Thank you for all you did for America.
Grace ILove You and God Bless You Always !
Deena You’re the best President this country has ever had or even could have. We needed you those four years and we need to now! Come back quickly my wonderful President of the most wonderful country of the world.
Judy You were  a Great  President.  I Love you. WE NEED YOU BACK
Trudie This is an honor, sir. Thank you for all you have done for this country and for being a strong American and an even stronger President.  God has placed you here for a time such as this and I am thankful to Him that I get to see this.
John Mr. President, why hasn’t the US military intervened?
Faye A job well done Sir….🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
gerald thank you sir
Lorraine Job well done. You are a blessing to us, our country and the world. The majority of us appreciate you and that is what counts. Together, let’s stay the course!
Julie Thank you for your service & being the greatest President of all time!
Roger God Bless you and Thank you sincerely
barbie Thank you, Mr. President, we are keeping the faith!
Marly Thank you Mr President, for all you did, all you are still doing and for being with us in this dark time..you still are my rightfully elected President!
Merry Awesome to meet you, now get your butt back in the White House where you belong!!
Donald Thank you, Mr. President. May God bless you and keep you. May God guide you and give you peace.
Thank you for your service to America and her people.
Forward, that God may use you and in that He be glorified! 🙏🏻
Sheila I would tell him do not give up God has your back, stay the course.   You will be back in office soon.
Barb I am behind you and your policies 1000%,
Ron Thank God you’re still here !!
Bonita Mr. President, it’s an honor to meet you.  Thank you for your hard work and dedication to make this country great again.
Terry I would thank him for his service and for caring about The People, and putting America first.
Kristen Thank you, Mr. President, for serving and fighting for the American people in the face of all kinds of evil opposition.  May God bless you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace!”
wendy I would THANK HIM for all his hard work , and tell him he is still my President
Barbara You are so missed!!! Thank you for all the GOOD that you did for America!! We are HOPING YOU will be back VERY SOON!!!
Jack God bless you and Hold the Line.
Carolyn Thank you for all you have accomplished for the American people.  I love you; we love you; America loves you.  You have shown us what it means to love our country and to fight for her.  God bless you!
William Thank you Mr. President! May God be with you and your family, always!
Deb Thank you, sir, for showing us what government SHOULD be. I’m your cousin!
Judy Thank you for fighting so hard to keep America the way it should be.  We appreciate your tolerating the  constant, unrelenting baseless attacks and lies.  Patriots know the truth and are 100% behind you.  Please keep up the fight.
Jeff Please save us
Linda We love you, and are praying for you!!!
Doug God Bless you President Trump, you are truly a God Blessed man
Mr President you are an awesomely amazing Man
Jackie God bless you and thank you for all you do for our country and the American people!
Rick How about a round of golf??
Gena Thank you for taking care of our vets.
James It is an honor to meet you Mr President. You will always be my favorite President.
Thank you so much for what you did for our country and we all need you back behind the Resolute desk and the American people!!
Darlene Please come back and take what was stolen from you and us!
Cheryl All patriots stand with you and pray God puts you back in the White House now. Thank you for being our best President ever and pray for your safety. May God bless you always.
Robin Thank you for all your hard work and devotion to this great Nation!  Please accept my deepest gratitude!
Frank You Sir, Mr. President Donald John Trump, in my eyes are the everlasting, the real thing our “HERO” to “WE THE PEOPLE” worldwide, on behalf of everyone who appreciates countless sacrifices to date. And also for all of those who have not yet fully understood, quantified the magnitude of what you and Magnificent Alliance have accomplished for our Planet to date and yet to come.  We offer all of you that sacrificed your time, comrades in arms our humbled and immense gratitude, for your efforts have saved our Earth a real place in the Universe. We will stand the test of time as we all catch up to the higher dimensions, continuing to demonstrate our Love for you all in the Alliance, white hats and Anons for a collective job done so well, orchestrated with perfection nobody would have thought doable if there were blueprints to study and meander over. Congratulations, WE ALL LOVE YOU !
DAVID I’m praying for him and what God has for him yet to do!
Janet Absolutely
chesney Hello mr president, thank you for fighting the good fight sir.
Karen Thank You, Mr. President, for honoring God and America!  You are going to be back in office this year!
Stephanie Thank you Mr. President for all you have done for We the People, our country & our Lord. What can I do to help you & God for all the sacrifices you have made for me?
Judy It is an honor to meet you and you are the greatest President our country has ever had and I hope and pray you will become our President again.
Fran I stand with you!!
Rose We miss you Mr. President.  Thank you for your bold stand for the unborn, Christians, Military and our Police officers.  You made a big difference in America.  We are so sad that evil is ruling now and everything you worked so hard for has been destroyed by the swipe of a pen.  I know God put you in office for such a time as this and He did not take you out.  You are still my President.  We pray daily for you and your beautiful family.
Clara What can I do to put you back in power?
laura Thank you with all my heart.
Leslie I would tell President Trump that it’s an absolute honor to have had such a patriot occupy the White House.
Stephany Hello Mr. President! We need you back in office!
Pamela It’s a genuine honor Mr President to meet you in person.  You have done so much already to put in place measures to rebuild America’s greatness. I pray that you can once again lead our nation into the direction God intends us to take.  Thank you Sir from the bottom of my heart.
Linda Thank you, President Trump!  Make America great again!
Sharon Lee Please come back and save us from this tyranny.
Charlotte God bless you, Mr. President!
Nancy I want you as my President again, now please.
Karen I would say thanks for all that he has done for the US and thank him for his leadership and all that he has given up for this country.
Michael I would think him for his commitment to the security of our great republic , our Constitution , our military and the American people .
Sheila Pleased to meet you Donnie, you are THE  BEST!
Thank you for saving the Universe xx
Dan God has put you here to be America’s leader. Satan momentarily has got in the way. We are praying that you will be restored to the rightful position as God planned.
Mary I would say, “ Thank you for your continued service, sir”, God Bless you & God Bless America!
Robert Thank you, Mr. President for the great job.
Brenda We owe you and your family a great deal of appreciation for your great sacrifice to our country!  Thank you!  Thank God for giving you courage to lead us as a leader with Gods hand on you!!
Paula I’m honored to shake your hand. I’ve missed you so much being the best president this country has ever seen. I’m looking forward to your return!!!
Julie I so look forward to having you back in the White House, Sir!
Ken Mr President thank you for the last 4 years. Everyone knows this was a stolen election, God will straighten things out, Have Faith,
Deb I love you!!!!!!!
Lynda Thank You Sir !!!
Marina Please, please come back!!!! America needs you sooo badly!!!! We need you, we missed you!!! Please, HURRY!!!!!! I am losing my hope!!!!!!!!
Marianne Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Stay safe and ty fir all the work you are doing. This is bigger than us.
Dayna President Trump, It’s an honor and you are by far the best President there ever was in my time.
Barbara Barnett Thank for Serving God, God’s people & America.
JOY please come back, these dem’s are trying to destroy this country
Adam I would thank him, his loyal staff and family for sacrificing so very much in defending and trying to make America as great as We the People know it is capable of becoming. God Bless the Republic of the United States of America.
Γιάννης It is a great honour mr president I am really shocked it’s unbelievable meeting you, thank you very much for a such present I will remember it for all my life.
Marilyn Please help us President Trump.
Kenny God bless you and thank you for all you’ve done
Deb God love you Mr. President. We are all standing with you and God will be returning you to the White House this year.
Donna Thank you for your sacrifice and your families sacrifice. Your all are true patriots and warriors of The Almighty
Lewis It’s an honor sir, thank you for honoring the Constitution and God’s principles of our foundation.
Ralph Mr. President,  you will have my support and vote until the day I die. You are my president.
David Will you please take control of our country, we need you.
Wayne Thank You Mr. President for a job well done. Lets go for four more years.
Timothy Miss ya. Mr. President
Michael Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for our country, Mr. President; you are the best president in American history!
Patricia We love and need you back!
Robin Done ever give up and continue to follow God’s will in your life!
Susan It would be personal and private.
Ed We miss you Trump. Whatever it takes to get you back in office,,, let’s get it done.
Tracy Thank you Mr President ! We know you won in 2020, we love you !! You are the greatest President in the history of our country … God bless you !!!
Frank Thank you for your service.
Lu Please COME back and make America great again, you are the BEST President
Rebecca I stand with you 110%. I’m proud and honored to meet you and shake your hand. God bless you President Trump!
Brenda “An honor to meet you sir.  Thank you for all your hard work fighting for America 🇺🇸 first!”
Diane God bless you and thank you for everything you have done for our country and its people.
Edie It’s an honor to meet you sir!  Please come back!!!
Arlene It is an honor to shake your hand.  Please help us out of this mess.
Robin I would thank him for being so very honest, and so strong minded against such evils. I would also thank him for all he has done and hopes he continues to serve! A true leader to be so very proud of , and committed to support!
Nellie God Bless YOU
Jan How ya going mate?  Well done!
Craig It’s time to pull the trigger and take back the country.
joe can I fix you a tenderloin steak
John I’ve always wanted to meet you, for the conversation and possibly some job hints
Donna We miss you!  You were the best president for this country, you love this country and we the people.  Hope your back in your designated office ASAP sooner than later.
Dowie Sir, you have restored my faith in the position of the President. You determined leadership under God’s direction has been amazing to watch as it has confounded the wicked around the world. The drawing of nations together for protection of their homelands has been remarkable! It has been the highlight (besides accepting Christ) in my 67 years. I see hope for my children and their children and for America and the world. My prayers continue for your protection along with your family and leaders working with you. To see America celebrated as it was in my youth as a Boy Scout and admiration for God, Country and the flag is humbling to say the least. Thank you again Sir for standing up for ME and AMERICA! Blessings to you and the future of America!
NEIL Keep fighting for America because I believe in you.
Norm May GOD bless you President Trump!! Hurry Back.
Brenda Best president ever!!  TY!
Tena Thank you for loving our country so much and for everything you are trying to do.
Phyl Thank you for your sacrifice and service to MAGA!
Linda you sir are a great American, thank you
Alice We miss you Mr. President, the country needs you now, the country is being destroyed; the prosperity, the goodness you brought upon this nation is being decimated by the evil demons that have fraudulently moved into your WH along with the traitors that supported this abomination.
Blake Leblanc [email protected] Thank you for your service, Sir! Best President of all time!
We miss you and need you!
Please save America!
Please run for President again!
Please be more vocal and say I told you so to America!
Please do everything in your power to publicize the powers getting locked up so we see hope for the future!
Trip Thank You
Sidney Thank you. We will keep the faith.
Cindy Thank you for being a strong leader and a defender of the American people!!
Craig That was an awesome 4 years, Lots of accomplishments, just think about all you could have got done without all the interference. I can’t believe they stole the election and got away with it. Wish we had another 4 years of you.
Darlene Glad you got out of the club…The great awakening is the Club now…
Marilyn God bless you
Kim Thank you and we need you.  God bless you!
Kristina Please come back, our rights, our very life is being taken away.  I am sick everyday because I know what they have done.  We have no protection and no one but you that believes in Americans.
Jane Thank you for protecting our country.
Lila You were right
We want you back
Lynn I would tell him that he did a great job and I wish we had a leader in Canada who care as much about the citizens as he cares about the American citizens.
Sarah Get the hell back in the whitehouse before we loose our country for good! You won the election; now it’s time to do what’s right by We the PEOPLE! Now!!!!
Cindy Cindy
Joe Take back the Capitol!!!
Pamelia Thank you Mr President
Ann Mr. President, thank you for your patriotism, your courage, your unashamed faith in Christ, and for serving as our greatest President! We love you1God bless you and God bless the USA!
Peggy Thank you & please don’t stop.
Bill I love, Man…hang in there, we need YOU, to help us, right this ship…!
Andrea I would say I miss You in The White House.
Tamie Tamie
Christine Thank you we need you back
Polaris You are only my president. Thank you so much sir!
Karen I’d thank him for loving our country so much that he was willing to forego a lucrative business career and to put up with the vilest and most despicable lame stream media in order to protect our freedoms and make the USA great again.
Brenda Thank you President Trump.
Jim Thankyou for trying to open their eyes, Mr President
ROSALEE Thank You for being a great president and we love you, and we want you back as our president, NOW
Peggy Thank you Mr. President.  You have done more for this country than anyone else.  God’s Blessings to continue upon youl
Michele Thank you for all you’ve done. May you always be blessed!
Bonnie Thank you your unwavering dedication and support to the American people. You are the greatest President ever and I’m proud to say I voted for you.
ralph I would Thank him for the great Job he did, And god blesshim and his Family
Ronda I’m praying for you Mr. Trump
CAROL I appreciated you Mr. President.
Marsha I wish you were still the  president.
Kathryn Happy to meet you .  I would like you to be our president again.
William Thank you. We are with you all the way!
Kurt Thanks again for your help
Laura Thank you very much and I miss you mr. president
Otis Holley Thank you for putting America First!
R Thank you..!!!   God bless you..!!
Carolyn Thank you Mr President!  What a blessing you have been for the USA during the 4 years you gave to us and our Nation!
Robyn Thank you and God Bless you! You are the BEST President ever!
Billie Thank you & love you!
Bonnie What do you really think about the vaccine?
Sylvie God bless you. Please come back
renee Thank you for trying your very best for this nation.
Maureen Thank you for listening to God and being faithful to His every word for you.
Ronnie Thank you for loving our country enough to make the sacrifices you and your family did. God bless you all
Kathleen Thank you for everything you did for us. You were amazing. Hope you will run again to fix all the damage but understand if you don’t.
Delbert We love you, we miss you,don’t give up were with you Mr president
Gail Thank you, sir, for your service.  What needs to be done to continue the path of good, moral servitude?
Phiip We still need you more than ever — STAY SAFE!
June I would say “thank you Sir for doing God’s work for the people of the earth”.
kenna Welcome back President Trump.
Peter God bless you
Elaine thank God you are back in the office of the president
Michael Thank you for your courage, your commitment and believing in the American people, thank you for being a true leader for America.
Jessie What can, the people do to get you back as our president before we are destroyed?
JOHN Martin Good job sir GOD BLESS YOU
Celine I’m Canadian but I consider you my president. Many Canadians love and respect you and pray for you and your family. We thank God for your courage to lead at this time.
sylvia bedankt voor alles wat uw voor de kinderen van de hele wereld heeft gedaan, en voor alle mensen over de hele wereld , ik hou van uw als mens tegen over mens
JB Thank you mr. President for all the hard work you have done for us.
mark May the God of this universe bless you with knowledge and truth in Jesus name Amen.
Trudy God bless you Sir thank you for all you have done and will God willing do for America!!!
Marianne Thank you sir for All you have accomplished for America, it’s citizens & legal immigrants!
Heather Thank you for bringing God back to our country. Thank you for uniting us. Thank you for making America great again. I proudly fly my flag. Thank you for honoring our veterans
Karen Please Save America Again
Patricia I want you back in the oval office  NOW.
David Thank you
Judith I pray for you and please know that all of us are with you.
Mary President Trump, there truly are not enough ways to say ‘Thank you for saving our country!’
Susan Thank you for fighting so tirelessly  for our country.  You’re the best ever
Mark Thank you President Trump for delivering us from evil and oppression. I’m glad we are on God’s side together.
Lois Thank you for all you have done and are still doing for ‘the people’. We have needed you, and still do, for years.
Karen So honored to meet the best president ever. Please come back. Your country needs you.❤
carol Thank you for giving to the Lord. We have been blessed through that.
Michelle I would faint first.Then say glad to meet you President Trump
margaret sheridan Let’s get them – for the sake of our Country’s God given freedoms.
Jane Thank You and God Bless You. Please don’t give up on us.
Donna Mr. President we love and miss you and need you back NOW cause you are still my president no matter what anyone says.  Then faint and fall in floor lol
Patrick We miss you and need you back
Carolyn I love you!
Arbie It’s such a pleasure to meet you Mr. President
Edith Please come back.
Linda We love you President Trump! You are the best thing to happen to this country and we need you back!!!
Donna Thank you for never quitting Mr. President.
May God bless and keep you and your family safe.
Would you like to come to our place for dinner?
You can meet our horse and dog, and then we can sit out back and watch the stars! (You can use a break!)
Barb Thank you for loving our country & us enough to do everything you’ve done & are doing. May God bless you & your family.
Donna Thank you for all you’ve done and are doing. Please come back. We need you.
Mildred Thanks for being God elected, And you will be back in the white house in this year, 2021.
Susan God bless you Mr President!
Richard Thank You for your service!
Robert God Bless You Mr. President – “We the People” need You.
Melva Willaby Thank You! Mr. President!  I, am standing with you, and praying for you!
Shirley Thank you sir for being exactly what America needs. I’m looking forward to your return to office.
Lori Thank you sir and you’re still my President.
Kathleen Thank you for standing up for what is good and right before God.  I pray for your safety as you continue to follow what He has laid out for you to accomplish for His Kingdom.  God bless you, your family, and God bless America.
Cindy Thank you for the wonderful job he started, and now let’s get it finished!! He is the BEST PRESIDENT in my lifetime or even in history. I absolutely love him and his family for caring so much. I thank God for sending you to us!! 🙏🏻
Neva Thank you!!! Thank you for all youve done for America, thank you for your faith in God, thank you for putting God and America first!!
James Your The Man, a pleasure to meet you..
Curtis You are the first President to ever shake my hand, and Your the Best President I’ve ever known to serve in that position. The work You have done for Our Country has been remarkable. No President has ever lived up to His promises as You have. You’re the greatest blessing, and gift this Country has ever had since it’s existence. God bless You, and may He continue to help You fulfill His mission to improve the lives of the people within Our nation, and those throughout the entire world!…..👍🏻🇺🇸♥🙏🙏🙏
Howard Great,great job
David You are God’s man of the hour!
Linda Thank you
Charlaine Thank you – please come back in some way to save our country –  in the White House again would be wonderful
Michele Thank you Mr President for all you have done for our country, so wish you were officially in the White House, things are getting extremely bad!
Sylvain Trahan Mes Sincères Félicitations Pour le Ménage Planétaire……
Claudia HELP!!!!!!
Yvonne God bless him. You have done a wonderful job for
our  country. I’ll be glad to see you back in office.
Kerrie Welcome Home!!!
Janice Thank you Mr. President!
Susan About time!! 😀
bruce THANK YOU, please continue your great work for the people of the United States
Sandra I would perfumery thank him for everything he has done for me as one of “we the people”.
Rose Take your rightful place in the Oval Office!
Ron Why have you allowed the 2020 election to be stolen?
Terry You are the best President I ever lived under.  Thank you so much.  God Bless you and your family.
Leilani Thank you for doing what you can to bring America back to its greatness and for not giving up on God’s help in doing so
Ginger I love you! Get back now!!!!
Cheryl Thank you for Making American Great Again. We need you back NOW
Denise I would thank him for him blessing our country by listening to God. I knew that things would work out because I have so much faith and God will NEVER fail his children. I would tell him that I share his love for our country and some of his messages sustained me when I felt the lowest in my life. I would tell him I would like him to be our leader forever but we know that that is part of the problem with Congress. I would say that indeed, the best is yet to come!!❤🇺🇸🙏🏻🇺🇸
Joanna Thank you for your service and may God continue to bless you and your family.
Deni Thank you for listening to God’s words and standing upon ways Mr. President.
Peggy You are the best President in my lifetime.
David Thank you for all you have done for our country.
Deb Please keep fighting to overturn the 2020 election.  We can’t wait until 2022; there will be nothing left of our country by then.  Please…
Lyn Sir Thank You for what you have gone through for US. we are so lucky, you wanted to job.
Jon Good Day, President Trump..How are you and your family doing ?
Jo Dear President Trump, We miss you greatly. Thank you for your service, your care, your love of this nation and her people’s. You dear one are walking in the light of the glorious Seraphim angels, whether you know it or not. God bless you, your friend johanna
Dianne You did a wonderful job and we want to thank you and we can’t wait for you to come back We love you and your family Amen Amen
doreen Thank God you’re alive! Now get back into that White House where you belong! God bless you!
Steve The KING Commander in Chief of America,Jesus, says ” Stay the course you are not done yet!” We are with you. Signed POAP-one pissed off patriot
Diana Thank you, Mr President. We love you & appreciate everything you have done & what you will do for us.
Diane God bless you, you truly love this country and are proud of us as a country and as Americans.  We have all been robbed of your 2nd term and are discouraged that there is no justice for those who plotted against you on so many levels.
You are truly the greatest president in my lifetime.
Roland President Trump,We need you back in power now
LOVEGOD*OBEYGOD I would say Thank you for all you have done and will do for America as you walk under the blessing and guidance of our Almighty God.  Hallelujah and Godspeed.
Mary I think I would be so shocked, I wouldn’t be able to say a word.  But I would be awed.
Brittany Thank you Mr. President!
MARINA Just take over, like others do!!!  There’s backup…even border patrol
Mary Welcome back, Mr. Preisent!
Jerry You are still my President.
Sharon It’s my greatest honor to thank you for your dedication to our country. Your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed by your fellow citizens.
Dennis Thank You – We couldn’t have done it without you – look forward to meeting you soon ..
Anita Nice to meet you, you are the best  President  ever.
Leslie Vacation over let’s go kick some ass, Mr. President
And God Bless  you sir.
Renee It is an honor to meet you
Jo Thank you.
Linda Thank you for keeping your promises and protecting life-the only issue that matters to God!
Terry I would tell him he did a great job and he needs to take his rightful place as our President before we have nothing left.  Please help us all!
Mary Please come back
Vicki Thank you for caring about us. God bless you!!
Charland Thank you for loving the US and all you’ve done to MAGA. You’re the greatest President we have ever had!
Lori God has Blessed Us All over the World with YOUuuuu, to Awaken Humanity, to the Hidden ,but before our very eyes, Evils & Corruptions which have Ruled the Planet Earth. Also, God is helping YOUuuuu to show us the Rainbow of Beauty & Peace that we will NOW exist with & Live by, as the TRUTHS are unveiled & as we learn of our Ascension to this GREAT AWAKENING!!  There will Never be Enough Words of Gratitude/Thanks/Appreciation or Humble Indebtedness for Literally Saving Our Planet from decimation!!! We LOVE & ADORE YOU DONALD J TRUMP for Saving Our World & making us “Great Again”….GOD BLESS YOU!!!   #WWG1WGA
Beverly Please come back to be our president, and thank you for all you have done
phyllis I’m honored to meet you Mr. President.
MARINA Don’t bother running 2024.  More fraud. Rigged..be careful…
tammy Hang in There
Linda Thank you for what you’ve done and please come back to us
Ron May God bless you and keep you safe sir
Nancy OMG, STAY SAFE, I love you, and paper ballot, purple finger and election DAY 💜
Michelle It’s an honor sir.  Thank you for your honesty and working so hard to save this country.  It needs you, we need you!
Natalie God bless you and continue to guide you in his loving care.
Marsha Thank you for fighting for and respecting Americas God given destiny.
Nancy R You are the greatest president in history ! please come back and take your rightful place! thank you for saving us & God bless you!
Randy Thank you. Trump 2024
Linda Thank you for all you have done for our country! I appreciate your sacrifice and always pray for you.
Christine I support you 100% You are still my President.
Connie Thank you for everything you have done for the America people. God Bless You.
Lydia Mr. President, it is an honor. I’ll do for my country what is best for it; just say the word, Sir.
John Sir you are the best president ever and please enough  is enough if those sad people  aren’t  awake  yet then that’s their fault hurry up and stop  this communist  take over before We the people do! I’m  sure you can do it with a lot less Kaos and the weakening of the United States  for America people  have  had enough and its going  to break soon if you  don’t  do something! I’m  listening to them and watching you need to do something now! Or as soon as possible! GOD PROTECT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND EVERYONE THATS HELPING YOU and of course GOD BLESS AMERICA HOME  OF THE BRAVE AND UNFORTUNATELY AS OF RIGHT NOW NOT SO MUCH OF THE FREE, and  please stop this fake pandemic and the control  that these satinisistic people who are  trying  to ruin this planet and control us all!!! I KNOW GOD IS  WITH YOU AND YOU’RE  PEOPLE AND THE WHOLE WORLD IS COUNTING ON YOU GUYS,  IF AMERICA FALLS THEN THE WORLD FALLS PLEASE DO SOMETHING!!!
Carrie Thank you sir for having our six! You have been the greatest leader in my lifetime and possibly all of history. Thank you making America Great again!
Randy Mr President when are you going to knock that dummy out of your chair? We love you! Thanks for being our President.
Ginnette I would say Thank you for being the greatest president of all times and thank you for putting America first and caring for the American people. Id also tell him that he definitely won the presidential election and that as far as im concerned, he is still our president!!!
Hal Lemoyne Help me aquire $4000 a month on my US Social Security Benefits asap
Phyllis Please, Sir, please – do not ever allow medical tyranny to get any worse than it already is.  End the “crisis” of the plannedemic once and for all.  No forced vaccines or medical treatments, ever!  Thank you.
Dorothy Thank you for loving the United States and serving and telling the truth.
Connie Thank you, sir.  Then I’d be so awestruck that I’d either +la up or blabber.  I love him.
Grace WE MISS YOU!  Please run again with Ron DeSantis as your V.P.
Glen Keep up your good work
The country needs you
Peter You have left the whole world wondering why you refused point blank while in Power to Invoke major Military Action in order to take down the Deep State & Chicom infiltration of your country. 6 countries stole the election through cyber Warfare & you have quite clearly said by your lack of action  that this theft  is fully allowable, by walking away & thus placing America in a non recoverable Satanic  tailspin. Many tens of thousands of these criminal nutcases are now in charge of destroying the whole world because of your cowardice & shameful inaction = I am an older man & this foolish mistake of yours has left me permanently depressed & gobsmacked.
Vickie S Thank you so much, for believing in America and the American people.
Linda Very honored to meet you President Trump
Frank You Sir, are the consumit “HERO” to “WE THE PEOPLE” and on behalf of everyone who appreciates your sacrifices today. And also for all those who have not yet fully understood the magnitude of what you and the Alliance have accomplished for our Planet todate and yet to come.  We offer all of you that sacrificed your time, comrades in arms our humbled and immense gratitudes, for your efforts have saved our Earth a real place in the Universe. We will stand the test of time as we all catch up to the higher dimensions, continuing to demonstrate our Love for you all in the Alliance, white hats and anons for a collective job done so well, orchestrated with perfection nobody would have thought doable if there were blueprints to study and meander over. Congratulations, WE ALL LOVE YOU !
Tiana Thank you Mr. President for your tireless efforts to drain the D.C. swamp and to make America great again!
Martha We miss you lots
JOSEPH Thank you for your continued service to our great nation and I can’t wait to see you rightfully back in control!
Sandy I’ve been praying for you and your family everyday
Steven Thank You for all you have done and continue to do for America! You are The Greatest  President of my lifetime!
Joseph Thank  you Sir for all that you have done for our country. May God bless you always.
William You are one of the best presidents the US has ever had
Nancy It’s an honor to shake your hand and want to thank you for working so hard for us and making us proud again to be American
Suzanne You are still my president and can’t wait till you are back in office!
Michelle Thank you for putting American Legal Citizens first, following the Constitution and Building the wall to keep us safe. Hugs and prayers.
Mary Thank you – Never give in
Nancy You’re the BEST President we’ve ever had! PLEASE come back & make us Great AGAIN! We love You and your wonderful family!!!
Sonja God bless
you Mr. President
Marie I
Steve I would ask how is it possible that a thug like Biden has been allowed to steal our election and place himself as president without so much as a whimper from our rightful President and our military? When do we get our country back?
CAROLYN Thank you for your service to America . I love you , and can I please have a hug ?
Damian Thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to do, for this great nation and the awakening you’ve inspired all across the globe, Mr. President. I and millions of others have stood with you, since the beginning and will continue to do so. And thank you for returning us to God. God bless America!
Kaye Thank you for serving our country, thank you for loving us so much!!  Please come back!!
phil thank you!
Marlene Thank you President Trump for the amazing job you did for America and it’s people and I wish you were our president yet
Yvonne I would probably start crying  while trying to tell him how much I love & pray for him & THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DID FOR OUR COUNTRY‼
paul u r my president. I love u n praying for u.
Valerie You should be in the White House. You won the election, the Democrats cheated  their way in.
Thomas I hope to see you back in the White House very soon!
Edna Well done Mr President
Jason Thank you!! Thanks for all you do for the American people while in office and out of office. Your the greatest president ever.
Linda I admire and respect you, and greatly miss your leadership.
Minister You Disobeyed God Commands and believed Satan’s
pam First star struck, Thank you Jesus for choosing Donald J. Trump he is ur servant.
Dan Thank you for your service, you’re still my President
Sandra You are the rightful president of the United States.
Dr Richard You are a big disappointment   Build up everything in 4  yrs and Let IT go with Fraud you know was häppening and did nothing about IT last year I Will never võte again for anyone
Lucy Thank you for all you have done.
We pray for you all the time.
Keep God first and be sure to put Him first in your speeches.
You are His David.  I love you!
Margaret We love you and thank you for everything you did for America.
Janice You are God’s man for President. Finish the job. Do His will.
Cathleen You are beautiful and we need you back as the righteous president!!
Cindy Best President ever!!!
Alan Very nice to meet you. I miss you. Looking forward to your return.
Thank you for your patriotism please stay safe I hope you won again Thank you for your patriotism God bless please stay safe and I hope you’re going again
Graeme Thank you for what you have and will do for our country and the world
Nora President Trump, stay still, listen to the Lord, and in His timing, obey Him, and return as the President of the United States of America making it a CHRISTIAN NATION under God, not only in words, but in actions.  With God ALL things are possible.  Thank you for listening to the Holy Spirit as your guide and for ALL you have let God do for America through you as his vessel in action.  God Bless You and God bless America!
Sandie and Fred Go back and fight for your rightful office
Nancy Thank you, thank you, thank you! God Bless you & your family! I am very proud to have had you as our President!
Dianne Thank you for your wonderful leadership!
Curt Thank you Mr. President for being the greatest president our country has seen in a very long time. I am honored to meet you & so thankful that you care more about our country & the people in it than you do about money & power. Can’t wait to see you back in office soon. May God bless you.
Garry I’m 64 and you are the best president we have had in my lifetime. The election was stolen.
Susan Thank you sir, for keeping every promise you made to America. For helping us become the America of my childhood. For giving my grandchildren a chance of a normal American life. God bless your sir, and all your family. You’re always in our prayers. We love you!
Diane Thank you for being our President, God Bless You and Your family
Melinda God bless you, President Trump!
Mary How did you let these people fool you?  Do you listen any of the prophets?
Do you listen to the scientist about the danger of the vaccine?
Please quit pushing the vaccines.
Why didn’t you put Sydney Powell in as a special prosecutor to investigate the election fraud?  I am hoping you were just working to flush all the Deep State out. I am just a 75 yo grandmother and I could see through all this. It was a scam from day one.
Fauci needs to be hung along with all the rest. Hurry up and get back before this country is lost. I want my grandchildren to have a wonderful country like I grew up in.
Anita God bless you. Mr President!
Monika Best president ever
Maribel We cannot thank you enough for answering the call of the Lord;in spite of the hardships you knew you and your families would have to endure; and for placing our country ahead of yourself. Thank you Sir!
Sally Can not wait for you to be back in office!!
Nora [email protected]
natalie Welcome back; let’s clean house!
Connie We love you and praying for you!
Jurlene Good job sir!
Robin Thank you and please be ready to come back!
Sally It is a pleasure to meet the man God sent to save America and its people from the Devil. God bless you
Susie Thank you for your leadership, God Bless You!
john yes
Kevin Thank you, May you bless this nation through God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost
Linda Thank you, and we need you back.   Or country is in danger!
Leslie Thank you for everything you have done for this country & for us We The People, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP. WE NEED YOU.
Bo Bo
Vicki I love & appreciate  you and your family.  America is breaking due to the Democrats & the Biden Administration.  We need you now more than ever to fix our country.
Jan T’y! And we need you!
Connee America needs you for survival!
Sherry Thank you Mr President for your service love you very much
John The bastards stole the election.
dan i would say….. thank you so much Mr. President for all you have done for our country and for all that you are going to do from now on and may the good lord bless you and your family and this United States!!!
Max Mr. President I’m so glad God put you where we need you to be. My your days be many. God bless you and your family and God bless America.
Kathryn God bless you for all that you did for this great country. Praying for your speedy return to restore our country to greatness and return hope and prosperity instead of the evil and destruction going on since you left office.
Catherine Thank you Mr. President  for what you are doing for America and for each of us. God Bless you , stay strong I believe you are God’s choice to make America the country he wants her to be.
Stanley Its a honer sir to meet you i am with you 100%
Steve I would say to him “As a patriotic American citizen and a veteran of more than 20-years active military service in which I was trained and prepared to die to defend our constitution and our way of life, I salute you for standing up for Americans and American values, and I apologize for the brainwashed masses who were and are to uninformed (aka stupid) to know better than to vote for the socialistic Biden/Harris ticket.
Pamela Thank you and your family fir all you did and tried to do fir our country.  I am so sorry for all the agony that went along with your decisions.
Pinky It’s an honor to meet you!  I believe you are God’s chosen to run our nation, and you will rightfully be restored to POTUS.  Thank you for ALL you have done for our nation, our military, our border, our police, our foreign relations…in fact, thank you for ALWAYS putting and keeping America first!  Thank you for Making America Great Again…and for doing so again soon!  You are the greatest of ALL presidents!  May God bless you and keep you.
Wendy Very nice to meet you. Thank you for working for Americans. Excellent work— you’re still my President.
#45 best I’ve seen in my lifetime.
Alan Great job Sir! Keep up the good work and keep listening to The Lord!!!
HARLE Thank you for your service, do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?  If not ask Jesus into your heart. I believe you were our best President.
Denise Thank you. Thank you for putting America first instead of politics.  We need you to continue working for us. With God as your guide, you will succeed.
Gina I’d probably cry and hug him. Then tell him I’m thankful for him and for opening my eyes to the truth
Craig Go bless you sir! The world needs you to continue the fight! Save America and the world will follow.
Oscar Thank you and stay in the fight!
Betty It’s a pleasure, Mr. President. Thank you for a job well done.  Hurry back, please. Romney thinks he’s gaining.
Jeff It is an honor I would have never believed. J hope you and your family are well.
Linda We love you. We need you back!
James Forget Liberals “feelings” – This is war and you are our Commander! Bless you Mr. President!
Crystal Thank you!
Jennifer Thank you
We need you back to save America Doug
Cathy God bless you for all you have done.  Please  come back as president,  Now
Lil Thank You and May God Bless You!
Alan Good job sir wish you were back.
Marian Godspeed, patriot!  Thank you for your leadership/still with you 100%.  You won!!
Janet Your awesome your my president thank you
Donna Thank you Sir for all your sacrifice and would it be possible to work ona new medical system that would better serve our nation?   God bless you and all the Patriots that helped get us back ! Thank you Lord Jesus!
Ann Thank you for all did to help the American people.
O.J. I am praying for you keep your eyes on Jesus
Kathy Please don’t let this fake election stand!
Jill I support Mr President and I’m waiting for a gods plan. Thank you for loving this country.
Louis R. When are you Coming Back Sir to Fix what they did to Destroy Our Country?
jerris What a great President you are and an honor to shake your hand God Bless You and your love for this country and its people
Michael Thank you Sir. Please Do Not Give Up The Fight!
Sean Phillips You’re God’s Cyrus, you are also a hero. God Bless you & God Bless America.
linda please come back to your duty
roger Lean into the Lord, Embrace His guidance, for He has raised you up for this season, you will turn America back to God.
Terry Thank you President Trump!!!!!!!!!
Renae PLEASE Find a way back into the Whitehouse before our Country is Ruined !!!
Ellen Thank you for being a man of God
Sharon I hope that I would be able to say thank you, but I am afraid I would be speechless.
Isabel Thank you so much for your dedication and love for  America!
Lynda We love you! Our daughter want you to be at her military retirement ceremony in Sept.
Mike Thank you
Pamela I am praying for you
Cindy (from Canada) Thank you so much Mr President!!! God bless you and your family.
Doris Thank you for what you tried to do for America
Sharon Thank you for your perseverance and unearthing how deep the corruption is in our government. God bless you and your family
Lyn I sure do miss you as our President and our country needs you back!
Brenda Thank you sir and May God bless you and your family with strength, wisdom and protection while you do His will for your life and our country.
Sheri I couldn’t thank him enough!! Shaking his hand over and over again.
Brenda Thank you sir for your service to our country and standing against the awfulDemoncrats! My husband and our girls and their families all voted for you.
I just got an email from the communist Pelosi via her campaign asking me to support her and telling me how she will over turn the house republicans! She is frantic and didn’t hesitate about her evil plot.
Keep up the good work and our prayers are with you and your family .
Kay Thank you for fighting for God, Country and the individual (both born and unborn).
Samuel Mister President be prepared God’s hands will lead you this year back to the WH ask God He will give you the answer
Sandra I’m so very proud to shake your hand. You are still my President & always will be. Thank you President Trump for all you have done for our country. May God bless you & your family!!
Elizabeth PLEASE come to save ENGLAND from tyranny and lies. We love you.
Shirley Thank you for 4 wonderful years of sanity in the White House.   Please run again !!!!
barbara Please come back, Mr President, you are the ‘real’ president!  We are praying for you!
Amy You are such a remarkable leader, Thank you for all that you do for our wonderful country!
Lucy I would let him know I’m praying for him and his family
Virginia Welcome back Sir, really did miss you. God bless you and God bless America. 🙏🇺🇸❤
Jane I would thank him for all he has done and especially for seniors like myself! That he is the best president in my life since John Kennedy! He understands seniors and how living on less than $25,000 a year is a challenge for us older seniors with health care raising each year as we age. He is honest, true to his word and the most refreshing president in many years! He has true guts!!  God Bless Trump! Please continue to fight for our country and the presidency!
Nancy Please come back!
Sharon Thank you for all you have done for this country. How can I help and make a difference now. There’s millions of us out there who feel helpless and don’t know what to do to stop this madness.
Please call for the Church to stand with loud voices against the  devestation.
Dyan Thank you Sir for all that you’ve done and are doing to free the children and to bring forth world peace and prosperity for us all….God Bless you!!
I would tell President Trump ,Thank you!,and I need a hug. I would tell President Trump,Thank you!,And I need a hug.
Andy Good job sir, welcome back
Barb Thank you for your Godly service to our country as its president!  We love and appreciate you. ❤ You are STILL our rightful and ONLY president. We voted you in and YOU won!!  You need to get back in that office and run this country….now.  The evil/corrupt politicians in place should NEVER EVER have been allowed to put themselves in our White House and continue on in ruining our nation, its people and most of all destroying Christianity.✝
Gayle We love you!! Thank you for ALL you’ve done for America AND us, and we thank you for continuing to work for us. We KNOW you will never give up, or give in. YOU are our President!! God has appointed you, as in the Book of Esther says, “For such a time as this”.   His anointing is on you, and HE will help you complete the work HE has for the future of America. You have our complete loyalty and love. You are a man of honor and integrity. God has, and is using you in a mighty way. The world is watching and we have faith the Lord will complete the work he has started. I’m so sorry you were betrayed by people close to you, I know you are so strong, but know you have MILLIONS of true Patriots who are praying for you. Lean on the Lord, HE HAS YOUR BACK. We love you!!!
gloria GOD bless you. Thank you for what you have done for our nation.
Debbie Its an honor Sir to shake your hand! When are you coming back? We desperately need you!!!
Lavonne I’d say President Trump I miss you terribly, please come back and save our beautiful country, SOON
Linda Great job as President, and would love to see you back in office, but you need to stop tweeting and making rude and totally unnecessary remarks.  Use grace and respect for other people.
Gordon hi Mr. President Trump, It is great to shake your hand. And to encourage you in anyway I can. I am praying for you every day that the Lord will give you wisdom and direction.
Lynda Thank Almighty God your back as our President
Inez God Bless you Sir, and get your ass back into the WH.  I have been and will continue to be in your corner.
Gay-Dee Thank you for serving your call from God so well!
Mary Ellen Thank you for all you did for this nation.
Arthur Please get these assholes out of our lives!!! Thank you for all that you have accomplished…
I’m Honored   Joyce I’m honored
Tina Sir, it a great honor to shake your hand. Thank you and your beautiful family for what you’ve done for our country.
Virginia Virginia
Laurie Thank you! I love you! Can I hug you?
Thomas Nice meeting you Sir.
Merilyn You are the BEST President ever of The United States of America GOD BLESS YOU.
Carollyn Greene Thank you for not giving up.
Jamie That he is the best President the United States Of America has ever seen and we would be honored if he would be our president again in 2024!! Or before then!! Our country needs his leadership and without him we are in big trouble. I would also thank him for everything he did for the UNITED STATES while he was President!! We love you President Trump!!
Lisa Thank you and Bless you Mr President
Linda It would be a special blessing!
Gita I would thank him from the bottom of my heart for what he is doing for the whole world.
Mary Alice If I were blessed enough to meet President Trump I would tell him that I love him and that he was the best President we ever had and how sorry I am that he had to take so much abuse from the lousy Democrats.  And I also would tell him that I wait for the day that he will come back and be our great Commander-in-Chief once again.
Carole Mr. President. It is an honor to meet you. You will go down in history as the best President we’ve had. I miss you and can’t wait until you’re back in the Oval Office where you should be.
Phil Thank you  for everything you’ve done for our country. You were the best president in my lifetime. I am honored to meet you.
Nanette God has you and America in His hand! Walk in His ways always! 🇺🇸❤
Francesca We miss you Mr President.
Marygrace Nagy Thank you so much for Loving our Country and what it stands for. Thank you for working so hard for our freedoms. Please don’t tell people take that gene altering vaccine and let people decide for themselves whether they want to or not.
LaVonne Mr. President, we are thrilled that you are here.
Lou You, President Trump have been the Best President and still are The President, The USA has had in many decades!! Thank you, Thank you! We love you and pray that our Heavenly Father will bring swift justice to those who are attempting to destroy our Great Country.
Michele Thank him for what he did and is doing for our country.
Tell him – May God continue to Bless him and his family!
Ronni You are the Best President in my lifetime and I love you and your family!
Michael Thank you sir and to all those with you. And I’ve been wondering  about Durham to sir.
Beatrice Sorry that same Americans have treated you so badly!!!  Bless you!!  Still my President.
Stella You are the best President for us and all the world! We need you now, please!  Come back now!
Beth I would say..why didn’t you fight harder to stop the stealing of our election? Look at the nightmare that is happening in our country! I feel so let down.
GARY Thank you for everything you did and I voted for you!
Katherine You proved them wrong! You gave us hope. Please don’t leave us!
Sandra I am please to meet you. Thank you for what you have done for our America. Praying that God keeps his mighty hands upon you. Thanking God for the strength he has given to you to with stand Devil. He (devil)sure had been working hard to defeat you. Love you and your family appreciate what you have done for the good of our God and mankind. You have my support. Greatest President in my lifetime. Thank you again.
Theresa Please come back
Teresa God Bless You, MAGA Mr. President!
Robin Thank you Mr President Donald j Trump for your patriotic service to this country and to the world we salute you sir.
Eva It’s an honor. I voted for you both times and you are the best president we have had in my life time.
Bill Thank you for all you have done…especially almost bringing back true Justice and Law enforcement…which is now nearly gone again!
Lynda I wish you were still the President
Norma You are our only hope… we need you… we love you.
Sunny The American people revere and honor you for your tremendous work and sacrifice to save the nations of this world from evil.
Kevin I loved your presidential years, i wish you would have purged ‘ kicked to the curb all Democrats that hung around. You are doing an awesome job. My PRESIDENT !! Still
Ruben Quintero Thank you for everything and thank you watching over us. Can’t wait to see your Presidency for the next 4-8 years.
Kathy Sir, you are an amazing leader and I am so sorry about the abuse you and your family endured during your Presidency. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God Bless you!
Aleene Aleene
Irma Thank you for all you have done for America and the world!
Cheryal God Bless You!
Frances Thank You.
Judy Oh, President Trump!  It is such a pleasure to meet you!
Lillie Thank you for making America great again and you won the election. You are ordained by God for such a time like this and I want to thank you from
the bottom of my heart for the sacrifices you and your family endure not forgetting the constant persecutions daily. You are strong and I love you as my president and always pray for you. I will see you soon back in the White House.
Yannis We need you to help us win the upcoming negociations with IMF and central banks. Equaly you must guide the republican party towards holding the big tech companies accountable. America is going to hell without you.
Doris I would thank him for all he has done for this country And also tell him that I want him back as our president.
JOAN Job well done.  Thank you for believing in America.  Don’t give up your faith in true Americans.  We still have faith in you.  Please MAGA.
Joseph You should have declared Martin al law sir and used the military to do a national vote recount
Neil Thank You, HURRY BACK
Karen Bless you for your love of our Country!
Please take your rightful place back
Joyce Good Al
Carole God Bless you, President Trump. I have been waiting for your return.  Thank you God.
Nicole Thank you Mr.President for loving my country, family, friends, neighbors, the world, and me.
Jean Thank you for your service to, and love for America. Trust God to bring you back where you belong. So many Patriots are praying for you.
Kathy Thank you
Michael Please get back in the White House before America is so destroyed that we can never get it back.
Barbara I would tell him thanks in ridding the pedos and Deep State; do you realize
murdering our wildlife is against Jehovah?
Renasue Thank you for putting up with pure unrelenting you know what and continuing to fight for US and our beloved America. Stay strong and God bless you along with all of your deplorable supporters.  We need you to keep up the fight and appreciate all of your efforts upholding our Constitution.
Carol Help!!!  Our nation Needs you to continue putting the Lord front and Center.
Walt Thanks and godbless its a pleasure to shake your hand
Deborah Are yiu youcoming back in office very,soon?  I miss you and Melania
Gail Thank you!
Daphne May I have a hug. I so love you.
Natalie Thank you & God bless you Mr. President for enduring the past 4 years of hell that the MSM, most Democrats, BLM, Antifa, & the Trump haters/never Trumpers have put you through. Yet you still accomplished more good for this country and the American people than any other president in probably 100 years!!
Sheila Hod bless you President Trump and hurry back!!!❤❤
Penny Stop name calling. And just point out your positions.
Steven Mr. President, it is an honor to meet you. Thank you very much for everything in this nation! -@skitworld
Howard Please MR Trump you have to win the house and get back in the White House the USA need you never before
eleanor Thank nyou for all you have done and we LOVE you please keep making America Great
Sue Thank you for your best efforts
jayste Thank You
Staci God Bless You
jan thank you, fight back
Diane Thank you
Faith It’s an honor to shake the hand of the man whom my God had chosen to be our leader.
Jackie America needs you, you are a true patriot!!
Sharon I would say I trust you as my President, and God as my Lord.
Billy Mr.Trump  You did a great job and we sure do miss you.
Jacqueline God bless you!
Barbara Thank you, we miss you leading our country.
Pat Yes
Betty Thank you for the making our lives better for the four yrs you were in office.  Looking forward to God sending you to us once again to repair the damage this admin has done.  May God be with you and family today and always.  God bless America and God bless the Trump family.
Randy Stand strong in the Lord, and allow Him to do his will through you.
Kim Thank you, Mr. President for all you have done for
our country.  Can’t wait for you to be President again!
Juan Mr President, You are our savior!  We love you!
Shirley Thank You President Trump!  You are God’s chosen to make America great again and to bring this nation back to God!  May God give you wisdom and revelation to succeed in finishing His will through you.  God Bless you and your family and the USA!
Darlene Thank you for bringing God back into our White House and our lives. God Bless you and your family. We love you!!!!
Barbara Thank you
Michael Thank you for following God’s spiritual guidance in your administration and your family’s personal sacrifices as well as enduring such unwarranted criticisms.
Ralph You are The Lords Warrior,Sir! Be fearless! Darkness trembles at your approach!
Johnny Thank you for standing firm in GODs name
Rita I love you Mr. President! You are the best President ever and we really need you now more than ever. Our country is in dire straits and you alone can fix it. I pray for everday. Stay well and be happy. You deserve only the best life has to offer.
Patty Thank you sir!
Barbara Thank you and God bless🇺🇸
Lize Please help the children at the border and PLEASE COME BACK GOD BLESS
Kathryn Thank you, Mr. President, for your never ending call to duty, performing that duty on behalf of people proud to call you their President. I truly believe you were created by God, filled with his wisdom, and placed in the highest office in the land just for this period in time. You are the rightful President of the United States of America, and I believe you will be back. So many of us  pray for you daily. Thank you!
s.k.combs Thank you for your love of country and Americans.  We love you!
Dorothy Thank you, President Trump, for all that you do and stand for in this perilous time for our country!  God bless you!!!
Loretta Thank you 4 your service n,luv 4 America.
dale thank you
Joyce Thank you President Trump for everything you have done for us, and all the sacrifices you have made in order to Make America Great Again. You have the love of the American people, and we will always have your back! I am proud to call you my President!
Greta Thank you for all your hard work for our country. I appreciate all you have done. Hurry back, we MISS YOU
Sarah Thank you for trying to give America one last chance to be the light and for serving our country. God bless you
Wilma Your courage is inspiring. Thank you for being so strong and generous. We love you and your family.
Sending love from South Africa.
Anna What you have done for our country is beyond belief. No man has ever had the courage and strength you have displayed. I will stand with you, always.
Linda God Bless You President Trump. I love you and pray God’s blessing on you. Thank you for all you do. Praying for you many times a day!
Bobby THANK YOU for being the HONEST LEADER America needed to help its citizens to identify all the government corruption and start to correct such.
Tim Thank you for what you have done for this country
sandy I am sorry they convinced you to take the shot, that is not even a true vaccine! I am keeping you in my prayers! I am still in your corner.
C Martin Thank you for fighting for the American people. God bless you.
Nancy You were the best President ever elected to office!
Janet I am praying that you will be president again soon.
Bryan Welcome to my home. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll have dinner ready shortly.
william william
Paula Thank you, Mr. President for all you have done and will do for America.
God bless you and your family
Mary Ann Thank you and I know you are sent by God.
Sharon We need you back in the White House.
Ronie Thank you Mr. President for a job WELL DONE!
Cindy You are an awesome man and am so thankful you are my President.  May God continue to bless you and your family.
Debbie Thank you Mr President for caring enough to give up your regular life to serve the people of this country! We love you ❤
Shirley Thank you for all you have done and God Bless You
Wilma Thank you, Mr. President!  I believe God still has work for you to do.  Seek His wisdom and guidance!
Mary Ann Thank you for your love and service to our country and fellow Americans. You’re the greatest President ever and we love you ❤
Marci God Bless you and Thank You!!
James I am greatful for what you did for this country.we need more people to get involved and do away with career politicians that most do not have the common sense to get out of the rain!
Edna Edna Cox
Nancy Why did you not appoint Sidney Powell as special counsel for election fraud?
Sheryl Sir, you are without a doubt the best president this country has seen. Please run again.
Debra I love you as my president. Please come back.
rosemarie May God Bless and and keep you safe always ! Thank you from the bottom of OUR hearts for saving America!!! GODWINS WE WIN ALWAYS
Rita Thank you, Mr. President for being the president that cared for the American people!
Barry We need you back in office now
donna thank you for giving us hope and saving our country
Brenda I would thank him for doing a great job and being  a good guy.Wish he was President still worried about our future
Teresa God bless you and thank you for all you do! Thank you for bringing us back to God.  We love you Mr. President Ronald J Trump.
Pam You were our best President EVER!
Betty God’s Blessings for you and Thank You for all you’ve done for America
Carlos It is an honor shake your hand!
You are the man U.S. needs the Most!
God Bless you, Mr President Donald Trump!
Bernie We the people appreciate you and Melanie so much!
gail Thank you for caring for the American people. Thank you for being the best president in US history! Thank you for all your sacrifice!! In great appreciation, Gail
gary when do we start
Evangeline We love you, President for life!!
David Apologies for the media and the idiots in congress
Ruth Thompson Hello Mr President.  I love you.  Thank you for your sacrifice and service to our country and we the people.  I am with you all the way.
Robert Thank you for what you did for America and thank you for what you will do yet!
Barbara Thank you. Keep God first always.
Linda I would faint then tell he was the greatest President that we have had in my 74 years.  I pray for your return to the office every day. ❤
Nancy What are you waiting for?   Please take your presidency back and save our Country NOW!
George My God bless and protect you, Mr. President!! And may you be back in office very soon!!
Mary Ann God Bless you ! Your the best President we ever had.
dawna So glad you’re back
Clara Thank you for working to save our country!
Thomas Mr president I am so honored.to shake the hand that shook the world. God bless you and your family!
Karole You will always be my President… the best President America has ever had!
Barbara Barbara
Mary Rita [email protected]
Robbie GOD bless America and GOD bless You !
Kelly Thank you and I love you!!!
Erica I absolutely love you!  I miss you!  Thank you so much for giving up your amazing life to help all Americans. I pray for you and your family every day!  You are the best President of all time. We need you back sir!  We NEED you back.
Dawn You were the best president this country has had since I started voting.  I’m sorry you are still not running our country. God bless you and your family!
Deborah hug with that shake, ‘I love you’
Rosalie I think you were a wonderful president   Sorry how badly you were treated .
Barney Please Sir, your Country needs you more than ever, what ever it takes America most definitely need you in the Oval Office 🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸
Judith God bless you and keep you
may his face shine upon you and give you peace
Rebel If you’re running again and win, pick better people for the different heads of the departments and get rid of all Obama and Biden holdovers. You should have done that your first term. Also, you need to vet them better. Barr should never have been put in Justice. You were one hell of a President and I hope to see you there again.
Loi Praise God for you President Trump!  Thank you can never repay your dedication devotion love & what you accomplished for us & America.   God bless you, your families & America.
Sharon Thank you for your service to our country.You’re the best president we’ve had. Keep on fighting.
gerald Glad you are back president Trump and now it is time to clean the swamp.
E. J. Cheshire I would thank him for the wonderful job he has done for our country and world.  I strongly support him.  I know God choose him and I sincerely appreciate his efforts.
Vicky You are doing a great job! I have your 6.
Ed It is an honor to meet you Mr. President. Thank you for all you have done for our country. God Bless You and your family.
Donna Humble yourself under the mighty hand of GOD and in due time, HE will exalt you….
Thank you for loving our country more than anything else you may have. Thank you for helping to preserve our Constitutional Laws/Rights and for exposing the deep darkness that has lurked just under the radar for so many years. May God BLESS YOU and YOUR FAMILY. Prayerfully, Donna Csete
Teri It is great to meet you!!  Thank you for all you have done for America and the American people.  We are greatful.
Judy The best President ever who loves God and his word to lead our nation and show other nations moral values to run a country .
Deborah I would say, Thank You, President Trump, for Caring and Loving the American People and America.
Thank You for Everything You Have Done for Us.
May God Bless You and Protect You and Your Family..
Deb How soon can you get back, your country needs you ASAP!
Debbie You’re my president and we all love you and believe in you
John Thank you Mr. President. Lets finish this.
Carol Thank you for being obedient to our Lord and working for His people. His Will will be done and we need to prepare.
Michael Mr. President you are the best president America has ever had and we need you. Thank you for the great job you have done
Joanne God bless you and keep you strong and safe.
Peggie Thank you and God bless you and your family
Carol Will you lead our country back to GOD?
Linda You are the best President in my lifetime!
Susan Thank you Mr. President! I am so sorry for all that you have gone through to protect our country.  Praying for you & your Family and for our future!
William Thank you for all you do for our country.
Elaine I would first say to him that I love him, his family and then say to him that he is the greatest President our country has ever had! I would also tell him that God had appointed and anointed him to this office, to lead God’s children to the truth. I would say that far more Americans than even he is aware of, love him with all their hearts and souls and we know that God will have him resume his leadership of this great nation, trust in God and know that He will bring this to pass!
Joseph dont quit on us because we haven’t quit on you
Teddy Please Mr President take back what is yours
russ Please help us
LouAnn Thank you !!
Marie I would thank him for all he has done and will still try to do for our great country.
Jennifer Thank you
drenda Thank you, Mr President!!
Carl WE LOVE YOU !!!
Jeannie Thank you, Mr. President, for standing up to the deep state. Thank you being a true man of action, listening to God and good advisers, then following thur for what is right and good for our country.
Roberta Mr. President, it is a great honor and privilege to shake your hand and encourage you to please govern America with your honesty and strength. America needs you sir and to have you govern our country is a blessing.
Diane Thank you for your service
LoAnn We need you back in the White House!
Vicky I would thank him for fighting so hard for us, the American people, and that I will always support him. God bless you, President Trump and God bless America.
Craig May God bless you. What can I do to help?
Sandy We Need You Now!!
Rose I am so honored to shake your hand. Love yoi.So much. You belomlng in the White House!
Patty Keep up the good work!! We sure miss you in the White House. We are praying that God will restore you in the presidency this term. The laws coming out right now under Biden are not right for America. And we believe you won the election. 👍🙏 May God bless you and guide you and protect you in all that you do.

Patty Lunsford

Julane Thank you.   Thank you.   Stay strong in the Lord.
Melinda/Jerry I would shake his had and throw in a HUG for good measure. 🤗👍
Liz Thank you and we are praying for you.
Susan President Trump, God has said for His prophets and people to call you to your rightful place and I’m calling you to return to serve the people.
Mary I am praying for you.
Mary You are the best president we have ever had!!!
Daniel Nawrocki Thank You So Much ! Stay The Course, WE Have Your Back !
Dave Can we clone you?
Jan Morris Thank you for all your sacrifices for being our president and to know you will be back very, very soon!  May God be with at all times in the name of Jesus!
Donna Mr. President! It’s such an honor to meet you!! Thank you so much for all you’ve done for America, for We the People! We love and respect you and we Know you won the election. We desperately need you back in the White House to restore law and order to our great nation and to secure our border by finishing the wall. May God bless you in all you do!
We. Love. You!
Donna Kay Salazar
vicki I wish you were our President.
Lena You did a great job, I hope you run in 2024!
Marie Thank you for taking on this challenge to save America, the Children and our Freedoms!
Amy I love you with all my heart.  Dear God keep President Trump safe.
James Happy to see you back, Mr President, but you never left.
Rhonda I would tell President Trump I miss him being in the White House.
Mary Thank you for all you have done and your love o this country it inspires me
DJ When are you going to get JoeBama and horse face Harris out of the White House and arrested? And is the military on your side?
Lucille Thank you for working so hard for us Mr President to Save America! Please come back in power soon and may God always bless you, The First Lady and your Family!
Bruce Thank you for your service, Hope to get you back in office America needs your leadership.
Jan Job well done Sir!  Please come back us!  We need you!!!!!
Connie Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Linda Thank you sir for your efforts to protect our country from the swamp.
sharon I’d say “Thank you for all you have done in the past and please don’t give up the fight or the U.S.A. is doomed!!!!
Delmage Howdy, Mr. President. Welcome to Deplorables’ country.
I would shake his hand and thank him for what he was able to accomplish as our President Lynne Ziegler
Brad God bless your sir, We need you!!  America needs you now more than ever.

Ps. We all know you won!

Betty Please come back, we need you!
Lorrie Thank you Mr President for making America Great Again.  And thank you for exposing the swamp to the people!  I am honored to shake your hand!
George Thank you for letting God use you to save America.
Tracyellen Thank you for your love for the country. Is there a way we could take our house back and make America safe again
Nick It’s both an honor and privilege Mr. President. Thank you and God Bless.
Elizabeth Very good to meet you Mr President, you are the greatest president ever we need you  please fight for a comback
Jerry I saw you the first time when you would come to Maryland with your Dad to see apartments he owned in Seat Pleasant you were about eleven or twelve years old my wife’s uncle managed the apartments!
Tom God bless you Mr President
Bev May God bless you sir!  I love you!
Cecilia We need for you to come back and lead this nation forward
Gordon I would say Mr. President my president this is an honor to shake your hand the fraudulent voter thieving Democrat socialist communist liberals should never be in there because it was a fraudulent thieving situation and please run again in 2020 for this time watch out for all the booby traps
Deb Thank you for awakening our country to all the corruption and ugliness and please don’t forget about us  God bless you and your family
William Thank you for your service. Please don’t stop now!
Holly Thank you for protecting the American people.
JoAnn Thanks for your leadership and hard work for our country. And I hope and pray that you know Jesus in a personal way!
isabel Excellent job mr President
its an honour to meet you in person  My Godly Blessings to you and family 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Eric Thank you Mr President you’re the greatest  President we ever had I miss you
Cheryl First, I would say thank you from the bottom of my heart for ALL he did to defend life, religious liberty, lower taxes, remove the obamacare mandate, & restore patriotism.  Then, I would ask, WHY did you walk away? WHY didn’t you follow through on appointing Sidney Powell as special counsel on 12/18/2020? With all the evidence, why hasn’t something been done to overcome this evil??
Joseph Thank you, sir and Bless You from “The Forgotten Man.”
Walter Your the best, Love ya
Irene Millions of people including myself are waiting for your return to White House to save our country
Peggy Thank you for your service, Mr. President
Bea Uvacek Mr. President, thank you for all of the wonderful leadership you provided for our great Country.  We need you back again.  Blessings on all your family.
Lisa Hello, Mr. President, it’s lovely to finally meet you.  THANK YOU…for working so hard to put America and ALL Americans First….without over-powering or over-balancing the World at large.  You are a real Patriot! 🙂
joanna thank you. we love u.
Kathy Thank you President Trump for loving America and saving our wonderful Country. ✌❤🙏🇺🇸
Bert I am honored.  Please prevail.
Donna You are absolutely the greatest President we have ever had.  You won and we need you now!
Daniel Gods speed be with you Sir. May God be at your side.
Laura Thank you for speaking up for the American People.
Nancy I love you. You are the Greatest President ever ❤
Ron I would Say that U were a Great and U standing President . U have  taught us the American People how to keep our Head High between Thick and Thin. And there was One true POTUS Donald J. Trump. We The People miss U and Hope U Consider running again in 2024 and bring this Wonderful Country back together again as did after 8 Years of Offal
Treatment We The People in countered under the Thumb of a Worthless President Brock Hussein Obama. I hoe U will reconsider Running again in 204.
James God bless you! You’re the best President ever!
Maxine I would thank him for all he has done and is continuing to do for this country.  I would tell him that he IS our President and how angry I am about this election fraud.
Barbara We Love you – thanks
Millard I would say you will not get by with just a handshake but I need to give you a hug also & then thankyou.
David Thank you Mr. Trump!  Hurry back.
Bruce If you didn’t concede, then when can I expect you to straighten all this out and be our President again?
Terry Thank you & God Bless You!
Daniel We need you back as President ASAP
Linda. Thank you and God bless you and yours I miss you
Jacqueline Thank you Mr. President. I am so proud of you and want you back as our President ASAP. Love you and Melania and Barron.
Tom I would say “Thank you for coming along and putting yourself out there for this great Country. You are the right person at the right time, and you must retake the WH to fullfill the mission you began. We the People believe in you.”
Joyce I pray God showers you, your family,  and our country with His many blessings.
Susan Absolutely
Debra I would probably start tearing up and thank him for the excellent job he did for me, our nation and the world. I would tell him how sorry I am that he had to endure so much hate for us. I would make sure he knew I supported him and look forward to him helping save our country in whatever capacity…and how can I assist him in this fight?
chris Yes
Helen I love you
Carol Thank you for being America’s president I’m so sorry did they treated you the way they did and are still doing it today. I would vote for you again and I hope I get the chance to
Donald I would thank him for the phenomenal job he did for our country and people. And would stress on him getting back in office to continue his great works. I would also tell him how greatly he is appreciated and I would say Love ya Big guy give him a hug, and hug the beautiful First Lady
Denise Come back, now!
Lynnette You’re the right President for this time; please run again
Cindy Thank you for all you have done for us.
Anita Thank you so much for all you did to make America great again. I’m sorry for the way you were treated.
Kathleen God Bless You, thank you for your hard work with our country!! We thank God each n every day for sending you to be our President! We love you, because you love America and you put us 1st!!
John I wish you were still President!
susan Thank you… please never concede… keep exposing the corruption! You are still my President!
Denise Please come back to us, the American people who are loyal to who, and who voted you in, we need you, we are lost  abd frightened without you.
Hollis Thank you Mr President for a job well done! We miss you and your wisdom that God has given you to leas this Great Country. We continue to pray for you and your family and pray that God will continue to keep this Country together under the bad leadership of Biden and his Administration along with all the democrats and rinos!
We also continue praying that God will help get you back in the the seat of the President of the United States of America soon and very soon before too much damage is done!
God Bless you President Trump and God Bless the United States of America!
Anthony Thank you
Daniel God bless! Thank you!
Joanne Please come back and stop the madness!
Sandra Pleasure to meet you sir! You are the most patriotic president in my lifetime! Thank you for giving up your comfortable  lifestyle to MAGA!!
Dave What a great honor it is to shake the hand of my President!
Keith T. Thank you for everything you’ve done. I would love to help you!!!
Ricky Hello Mr. President,
If anyway possible would you please come back as our president, before Biden completely destroys America.
We need you more now than ever to clean out the swamp,that is hell bent and bound to destroy AMERICA as we know it.
So please get back to the job you dearly love and make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Charles I would thank him for giveing up his time to become the best President America has ever had and ever will have.A true American that is for the people of the United States Of America.GOD BLESS.
Gary I miss you so much. You were the great hope for America’s future.
Bettsy Thank you President Trump. Well done good and faithful servant.
Kenneth Thank you for being MY PRESIDENT!!!! YOU did a fantastic job protecting We The People! I still believe in YOU.
Carol May God be with you!
Rosalie I would say: thank you President Trump for listening to God and taking our country back. I love you sir for that and much more.
Pamela Thank you for being God’s representative for this time.
Jeanne Praying for you everyday to return to the White house.We sure need you to return soon. We know the democrat’s stole the election.
Denise Denise
Aliceanne Smith What took you so long 😍
Frances God bless you Mr. President. Thank you for loving the Constitution and fighting for our Republic. You truly are used by God to save America.
Natasha Thank you for your Service and Love of America
Patricia Thompson Thank you for everything you have done for the American people. We miss you. God Bless.
Fred Get this country back on the right track
Pat Thank you for your sacrifices.  We desperately need you back in the Oval Office.  God bless you and your family.
Tess I would shake his hand vigorously!
Cheryl A very tearful thank you and please come back we desparatly need your help and love for this country.
Jeanne Jeanne
Jennifer Well done, sir.
David Mr President thank you for your service to our great nation and may god bless you, your family, and the United States of America!  As a retired civil servant, military member, and former federal LE, if I can be of service please do not hesitate to call upon my name.
Gwyn Thank you for returning our country back to us!
Laura Thank you for everything you have done for our wonderful country.  Please make your comeback soon and boor Bidens ass out. I am a huge fan of yours. I love you President Trump
Sandy I would say thankyou so much sir for caring about OUR COUNTRY! You’re the best President of our time, even tho I’ve always liked President Lincoln, but only what Ive read, which I am not a witness to his leadership. However you’re the greatest. Loyal to the nation and. your family.
God Bless you Mr. President Donald J. TRUMP
Michael Thank you for partially draining the swamp and exposing the writhing dirty squirming swamp rats that are the pestilence of this Country. God Bless and continue draining!
William Thank you. Please come back
Marion Thank you for everything you have done for all of the American people!
Peggy Mr. President, you are my hero!
John Wayne Please Come Back Now and put the pedophilia Dems in Gitmo We  Love You
Adrian Thank you for caring for our country
Ethel First I would thank him for all he did for “We the people”, and then I would tell him we need him or someone with his values back at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.
Della Thank you for your service, Sir. You are still my President and the nation desperately needs you!
Dawn We love you and will always stand behind you!
John I love you sir… thank you for going over and beyond to Make America Great Again. We need you now more than ever.
God Bless You and your beautiful family
Jan Well done mr. President
Kirk Get back to the White House and kick the thieves out PLEASE!!!!!!!
Shannon Thank you for being the greatest President of our time!  We need you to save our country and make America great again!! God bless you and God bless our country!!
Bruce Why didn’t you do anything before you left. I don’t understand why you left and didn’t fight for what was yours.
Mary Kate Thank you for loving America and Americans
Donita Thank you sir
Ruth I would first thank him for what he did for American and then BEG him to PLEASE save us from this alleged Biden administration.
Morris Sir thank you so much for all you have done for America. Please do something to lead us again.
Chris I would tell him he opened my eyes to our government. And he was the best president of my lifetime.
Ron Please, Sir, come back to the Presidential office
Thomas Hello President Trump, I Love You and your Family. God  Bless You Sir. It is a real Pleasure to finally meet you Sir. Let’s get this Country rolling again.
Eric You are God’s chosen One. America’s Greatest Hero. Be strong and stay the course.
Candy Hello – very happy to meet you.
Leslie Hurry back, we miss you and biden is destroying our Country.
Deborah Please be our President again!  Biden and Harris belong in hell with their maker!
Kathy Thank you for all you did for the American people, but I wish you had not pushed a vaccine which is experimental and probably dangerous.
Doris Keep the faith, thank you for your service & God bless you!
Peg Thank  you for all you did.
DONNA I would say, we need you back in the white house to save us from this brainless creature that is out to destroy our once great country. Trump please get back in. you were and are the only man for this job.
Rhonda I’d be so dumb founded to be in the presence of Our Great President, I think I would be lucky to get out the words: Thank You.
Dennis Thank You for helping to save the Country
Sheila I am so happy to meet you
dorothy Thank you for the endless good you have don for our country
Dave God bless you sir! Thank you for everything you have and are doing!
Shane Thank you so much for standing up for us the American people.
Gary Thank You!  Thank You!  You are America’s President and a True Patriot!
John Great job sir we need you more then ever
Carol Thank him for being so great
Russell Thank You Mr President
Vickie It is an honor sir. Thank you for all you have done & continue to do for our country.
Noreen I am so sorry conservatives let you down.  I miss your leadership and want you back!
Sharron wish you were still the president!!  Do not feel safe with Biden as President.  We love you,  Sharron
Judy Thank YOU! Please come back. Country needs you!
Laurie Great job sir we love you
David I would say THANK YOU for all you have done for America and Americans.I would tell him he has been the greatest president of my lifetime and I’m honored to be shaking your hand.Then I would probably tear up…this stuff is very emotional to me.
Treva Let’s talk & have a chocolate chip cookie i just made.  Then we can talk about the border crisis.
Suzanne Thank you for everything you did and are going too!
Donna God Bless you for all you have done and continue to do for our country !!!
Helen Thank you and God bless you return president trump in the name  of my lord jesus
Stephen I love ya man!!
Marion Come back and save this country.
Karen I’m truly honored Mr President Trump. I never thought I’d get to shake the hand of the Greatest President of all time. Thank You so much for bestowing this great honor upon me
Tim It’s an honour to meet You Mr President.
Alita Thank you Mr. President for your non-Politician agenda, making America FIRST , Protecting our SOVEREIGNITY and trying to expose and stop the DEEP STATE SWAMP !!!
Stephen Sharrah Thank you for being my president.
Laurie Thank you, Mr. President !
susan You are the best President our country has ever had, many have prayed for you.
Doris I love you
Karen Thank you Mr President.
Sue Thank you for keeping God first place and for fighting for us.  God Bless You!
Michael THANK YOU Mr President for all you have done and for putting America first.
Denny Thanks for standing up for us!
Brooke I would hug him!!!!
Margaret Thank you for working for the American people, Mr. President.
Ron Heck yes, I would love to shake your hand
Jenna Thank you, Mr President!
Zee God bless you and your family!
Cathy Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do
phyllis I would treat him like anyone else and say glad to meet you.
Joe Pres.TRUMP.   PLease stay involved until you can run again ( It’s Our America’s only hope)  Thank You,  JQ
Janice Thank you. Nice to meet you. Have a blessed day.
Diana God wants you back in the WH and so do I.
Penny Thank You for pulling America out of the hole we were in from the leaders before you…
Les Mr. President, I am so very proud of you and offer my support 100%.  Use me in any way I can be of help.
marian Mr.President, you have a lot of American citizens who love you , who need you, and want you back…….
Vernita Thank you, President Trump, for being a servant of God and representing me!
Nancy You are the best president we have ever had.please run again in2024
Margaret Thank him for all the good he did to save America!
Mark It’s really great to meet you
Gail Thank You!  Behind you 100% 2024!!!
Beth C. thank you for all you did by putting America first.  Thank you for making us proud to be Americans once again.
Michael Chant Mr President,  the majority of Americans have your back. Its time you took back the White House. I know that means a possible revolution but you have to save America and her people,  The country needs you.
Ingrid Thank-You for putting America and Americans First!!!!
geri Can YOU PLEASE COME BACK…you are OUR HERO!!!  We love PRESIDENT TRUMP…HE LOVES AMERICA!!!He has empowered the PATRIOTS to fight yet we need him BACK as our leader and commander in CHIEF!
Joyce God Bless You and Thank you for your Service.
Bonny I wish you were the leader of Canada too!!!
Barbara Mr. President! We need you NOW!!! and always ♥💙
Kimberly Thank you for executing God’s work.  I pray for you and your family daily.  If there’s anything I can do for you, let me know.
Gary God bless you, Mr President.  I am at your service, sir.
Diane Thank you Mr. President for your love of and devotion to America.  You are by far the best President in America’s history. God Bless you Sir, your administration, your family and keep you all safe.
Sybil C Koonce Thank you for the great job you did as president and I know God has a plan and it’s about to take place.
Jeff I would tell him how much I respect what he did and what he represents.  Then I would ask him if the bad guys got to him making it impossible for him to fight the election fraud more vigorously.  Was he or his family threatened?
Roslyn You were the best President ever.  You actually care about this country. Thank you!!
jim that the American people need to take this country back , you are a great person and pres. how do we do we take this country back out of democrats criminal rule
Golden Thank you and God bless you ✝
Leonard Don’t give them an inch!!!!
Cynthia Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth about our government corruption.  Thank you for 4 years of a great service. Please run again.
Ger Hurry back!  We need you!!!
Anna Jordan We miss you President Trump we need you as our president.
rich thank you!
Terry Keep up the good Fight SIR !!!!
Pamela Honored to meet you.
warren You were the greatest President ever. We need your help Mr President or there will be nothing left of this country
Cherie God bless you Mr. President!
Todd I love You and Thank you for restoring Integrity to the Presidency and respect for our nation!
Charlie Hang every traitor who sold us out as Americans!
Ben Thank you for the great fight and for your hard work!
Linda Please pick real Patriots for your advisors, etc. Not rinos
Mary Thank you for trying to save our country.
Ron I am truly with you
Michele Thank you for waking me up to what is really going on in our government and our world.
Dorna My whole family misses you, come back.
Chuck What a pleasure to meet you sir.
Erin I’d wet my pants!
Rumi Please, please run for president again in 2024.
Audrey God Bless you Mr. President. Thank you
Brenda Thank you for all you have done for our country. You are welcome to our home anytime you visit Oklahoma. We are simple folk but God fearing and very patriotic. Wish you were our leader once again. May God Bless You and keep you and your family safe.
James You are a amazing president and you are doing a really great job
Dava God Bless you, Mr President. I am praying for God’s righteous judgement.
Lana Thank you for everything you have done to try and save our country. Please stand the course. I know you will! I am very thankful that I was able to see through all the bull that was spewed by the fake news!! As a Christian, I stand up and say, “God Bless You”! Stay safe!!
Nathaniel Thank you for fighting

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NATIONAL SURVEY: If President Trump Came To Shake Your Hand, What Would You Say To Him?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

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