Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar announced her $1 trillion affordable housing program to provide “homes for all,” including illegal immigrants.
The Democratic congresswoman revealed her “Homes for All Act” on Thursday, which would complement New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal by building 12 million housing units to the highest environmental standards.
In her announcement, Omar, 38, explained that her affordable housing plan would ensure that no one is denied access to public housing, no matter their gender identity, race, sexuality, or immigration status.
Rose Fernandez of “Community Voices Heard,” talks about how she supports Omar’s bill, claiming that “housing is a human right.”
We’re proud to support Rep. @Ilhan Omar’s #HomesforAll bill. CVH leader Rose Fernandez talks about what this bill means to her and how this empowers our fight for a #HomesGuarantee in New York and beyond. pic.twitter.com/J3txQDNR4E
— Community Voices Heard (@CVHaction) November 25, 2019
Rep. Ilhan Omar wants a house for everyone and believes it’s a “human right.”
No one in the wealthiest county in the world should be forced to sleep on the streets.
Today I am introducing the Homes for All Act, a bold 21st century vision to build 12 million new public & affordable housing units and guarantee housing as a human right. #HomesforAll pic.twitter.com/muWeTfnqLT
— Rep. Ilhan Omar (@Ilhan) November 21, 2019