The Three Stooges of the House just tried to tie Russia to the re-election of President Trump! They invoked the Constitution in their comments too. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!

The impeachment coup continued with a press conference where Pelosi announced her 7 impeachment managers:

Impeachment managers for US Senate trial are Reps. Nadler, Schiff, Crow, Demings, Jeffries, Lofgren and Sylvia Garcia.

What’s more important is the fact that the three Democrats who spoke inferred that this was an “urgent” matter because Trump is “cheating in the next election”…Does anyone believe this???

Pelosi: “This is about the Constitution of the United States. And it’s important for the president to know, and for Putin to know, that the American voter should decide who our president is, not Vladimir Putin in Russia.”

Schiff: “We’ve always felt a certain urgency about this impeachment, given that the president was trying to get foreign help in cheating in the next election.”

“We have to proceed, because the integrity of the election is at stake … This is a test of the constitution … The Senate is on trial, as well as the president.”

The Three Stooges:

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