Are you ready for history to be made?


It sure has been a WILD July, and it’s only half over.

New reports out tonight have Joe Biden dropping out by Sunday, but in a shock move NOT endorsing his Vice President, Kamala Harris.

It’s worth noting this could end up not happening, and stubborn Joe Biden (mostly Jill Biden) could dig their heels in again, but multiple sources right now are confirming the report.

Take a look:

That betrayal would be absolutely historic.

It would also lead to a true Brokered Convention for the Democrats.

Something that has RARELY happened in our history.

In fact, history notes it has only happened 10 times total, and none since 1952:

Democratic Party

  1. 1920: James M. Cox was nominated on the 44th ballot.
  2. 1924: John W. Davis was nominated on the 103rd ballot.
  3. 1932: Franklin D. Roosevelt was nominated on the 4th ballot.
  4. 1952: Adlai Stevenson was nominated on the 3rd ballot.

Republican Party

  1. 1880: James A. Garfield was nominated on the 36th ballot.
  2. 1884: James G. Blaine was nominated on the 4th ballot.
  3. 1912: William Howard Taft was nominated on the 1st ballot after a contentious convention.
  4. 1940: Wendell Willkie was nominated on the 6th ballot.
  5. 1952: Dwight D. Eisenhower and Robert A. Taft competed in a contested convention, but Eisenhower was nominated on the 1st ballot.

Watch this short 4 minute video for more inforation:

Full transcript:

Hey, this is breaking news. Apparently, Joe Biden has made the decision to withdraw. He has told campaign officials that he has decided to withdraw, and an official announcement will come as early as Sunday. But rather than announcing Kamala Harris as a replacement and rather than resigning from the office of president to automatically bestow that power to Kamala, making her the first female president, it looks like what the Democratic party is going to do is hold the first brokered Democratic National Convention since the 1950s.

This would allow multiple different Democratic contenders to compete for the position. They can presumably debate, advertise, or argue to actually fight for the Democratic nomination in August. This means it’s entirely possible we could be going through a whole unscripted party put together here and fight over what the ticket could be or would be or what it might look like.

We might not necessarily have a Kamala Harris ticket; instead, we could have someone else like Gavin Newsom and whomever he picks to be his running mate. We could have Pete Buttigieg and whomever he picks to be his running mate. I assume Kamala is going to put her hat in the ring, but they’re all going to be competing against each other.

And honestly, to this, I have to say, yes, Democrats, finally, let the people within the party have some say rather than the system, the Deep State, the background of the Democratic party assigning who should be responsible. Let the actual delegates within the Democratic party decide whom they want to vote for based on what the masses are desiring following what I’m assuming would be some form of campaign proposals, speeches, debates, or otherwise.

Now, it’s not exactly clear how this might work, and it’s also not exactly clear that this is definitely going to happen, so all of this information could be wrong. But consider this for a moment.

Speaker 2:
Hey, oh, can I see your phone for a sec? I just want to look up the predicted odds really quick.

Speaker 1:
Consider this: If we can get campaign proposals from various contenders and they can somehow compete in an open market, so to speak, we might actually have some real competition against Donald Trump. Now, I know a lot of Republicans watching right now are going to say, “Uh, no,” and turn left here. There’s no competition against Donald Trump, and that’s fine. It’s a great ticket. The Vance ticket is very, very strong, don’t get me wrong at all. I’m just saying Biden is not competition against Trump.

Oh, whoa, yeah, the predicted odds right now. Who will win the 2024 Democratic nomination? Kamala Harris is up 10 cents to 61 cents, Gretchen Whitmer up 19 cents, Joe Biden down at 16 cents, Gavin Newsom at 10 cents, Josh Shapiro at 8 cents, Pete Buttigieg down at 2 cents. Michelle Obama has got more street credit here than Pete, and Michelle has already said she’s not running. This is about as crazy as my hair and my outfit today, but this is wild. Obviously, expect substantially more details.


Democratic Sources: Biden Plans To Drop Out Of Race THIS WEEKEND

In the aftermath of a disastrous debate performance last month, there has been a groundswell of calls from within the Democratic Party for Joe Biden to bow out of the race.

He hasn’t helped his cause with a series of flubbed lines and apparent confusion in multiple public appearances in recent weeks.

Now, sources within the party are reportedly confirming that Biden is planning to drop out of the race within a few days — and he’s not expected to endorse his vice president to replace him on the ticket.

According to political commentator Mark Halperin, per Newsmax:

“A speech has been drafted for him. He will continue on as president. He also will not, I’m told, endorse Vice President [Kamala] Harris as his successor. They’re hoping that he will endorse an open process in which the convention will be open to Vice President Harris and a few other candidates in Chicago to pick the Democratic nominee for president.”

Halperin first broke the news earlier Thursday in a post on his X account.

Harris has been viewed by many political observers as a likely successor to Biden should he step down. Halperin said Harris is vetting potential running mates in advance of the party’s convention Aug. 19-22 in Chicago.

Halperin told “FRONTLINE” that among possible running mates for Harris are Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro. In his post on X, he mentioned Beshear and Shapiro are among four possible running mates.

Halperin shared even more details on social media:

Although Biden has insisted that he plans to run for another term, it has been impossible to ignore the evidence of his cognitive decline.

And Biden, who reportedly recently tested positive for COVID-19, indicated that a medical issue could convince him to give up his re-election hopes

According to The Hill:

“If I had some medical condition that emerged. If doctors came to me and said, ‘You’ve got this problem, that problem,’” Biden replied. “But, I made a serious mistake in the whole debate.”

The president also defended his decision to not be a transitional president and to run again, arguing that the divided country caused him to want to stay in the White House.

“Look, when I originally ran … I said I was going to be a transitional candidate and I thought that I would be able to move from this and pass it on to someone else,” the incumbent said. “But I didn’t anticipate things getting so, so, so divided, and quite frankly, I think the only thing, age brings a little bit of wisdom, and I think I’ve demonstrated that. I know how to get things done for the country.”

Here are some of the top Democrats who are pushing for Biden to exit the race:

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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