No, this is not undue speculation or hype….

It’s the #1 question everyone is asking online right now.

Where is Joe Biden?

And the more pointed: Is Joe Biden already dead?

My spidey sense is telling me odds are very good, and even likely, that he’s already dead.  Perhaps dead as early as Sunday morning.

But it’s not just me saying it….

Sitting members of Congress are specifically asking to see PROOF OF LIFE:

What a world we live in….

A member of Congress has to demand to see Proof of Life of the President.


Because all accounts so far suggest the man may already be dead.

Here was her exact Tweet:

There are so many things not adding up here….

Like that letter from Joe on Sunday.

First of all, it’s clear he didn’t write it.

That almost goes without saying.

But it’s also clear he didn’t sign it, and that’s very troubling:

So they wrote a letter for him, put words in his mouth, and then faked his signature?

Is any of this legal?

We also demand to know why it’s not on Presidential Letterhead with the Presidential Seal?

That is against every protocol out there:

Is this perhaps the final clue given to us that Joe Biden has not truly been President all along?

Is there any other explanation for why his letter wouldn’t have the Presidential Seal?

Is anyone buying this?

Why drop out on a Sunday?

Why do it by letter and not a video?

Do Americans not at least deserve a video?

You only do it on Sunday if you’re trying to not get noticed.

Is he even still alive?

Was he alive on Sunday?

Laura Loomer claims her sources have confirmed all along Joe Biden is in the final, terminal stages of illness and is likely already dead:

Didn’t Timothy Dixon have a vision of Joe Biden being dead in the White House and everyone scrambling because they didn’t know what to do?

I think his vision (which was long ago deleted by YouTube) said it went on for 2-3 days like that.

Then there’s this….his public calendar is SCRUBBED.

No events.

Remember, he only dropped out of the Race, he hasn’t stepped down from the Presidency (yet).

So why does his calendar look like this:

Here is the best summary of all the strange events I have seen:

• Joe Biden suddenly *RESIGNS* via @X

• White House staff find out ONE MINUTE later

• Joe Biden “resignation” letter not on official letterhead

• Biden “signature” suspect (underlined?)

• Steve Richetti helped write letter

• Jill Biden tweets *heart emoji* response

• White House *WIPES* Biden’s schedule

• WH Chief of Staff calls Cabinet, manages Comms

• Frank Biden confirms health a factor

• Family suggests Biden may have terminal illness

• Joe Biden holds no LIVE Press Conference

• Where is Joe?

…..where’s JOE?

Is he dead?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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