James Woods has just under 2 million followers on Twitter…He’s a force to be reckoned with on social media. He’s witty and funny but mostly gets his point across without saying much. It’s why he’s got such a huge following. His nuggets of common sense are retweeted by the big shots in politics. He’s one of the best assets the Republican party has out there in ‘Twitterham’ and the left knows it. We were truly stunned when Woods was suspended from Twitter for a nothingburger tweet. We felt he never crossed the line.
He just sent out a ‘Letter from Twitterham jail’ (full text is below) to friends with a copy of the offending tweet:
THE END OF THE LETTER FROM WOODS WARNS: “The reason I’m sending this to you is that, liberal or conservative, I know every single one of you agrees that this muzzle on free speech is a cancer that, if allowed to metastasize, will destroy this nation and everything it stands for.”
THE MESSAGE SUSPENDING WOODS FROM TWITTER: “Impact an election?” Huh? This is a stretch!
First, let me say how much I cherish each of you to whom this email is addressed. It saddens me that more people can’t be like us – politically diverse, yet friends and defenders of each other’s beliefs and opinions. That to me is what America is fundamentally about. It is also about a standard of ethics and human values that we all embrace and promote in our daily affairs. I love you all and I admire you for that and for who you are as people and artists and citizens of the world. I mean this with all sincerity. Today I am not in the mood for jokes.
The facts are that I was banned from Twitter yesterday because of an anonymous complaint referencing a tweet I posted in July (yes, the Stasi mentality lives on in the Twittersphere, it seems). Henceforth my 1.7 million followers will no longer hear my views. The purge of conservatives continues unabated on social media (and yes, it was because I posted a sarcastic remark about Democrats).
The offending tweet was included in the email from Twitter Support. It is attached below for your reference.
The good news, I guess, is that liberals (Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO, is an unabashed ultra-liberal) are now closer to their nirvana of a world without criticism or opposition.
The bad news is they will inevitably be next.
The reason I’m sending this to you is that, liberal or conservative, I know every single one of you agrees that this muzzle on free speech is a cancer that, if allowed to metastasize, will destroy this nation and everything it stands for.
Please feel free to share this email.