I thought we were done with the whole Cancel Culture thing?

Didn’t that kind of whither up and die a while ago?

Looks like the Far-Left is trying to revive it claiming outrage over Jesse Watters’ latest comments about Kamala Harris.

Here’s what happened….

Jesse said the following, referring to her lack of clear policy and strong leadership:  “She is going to get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her”.

Judge Jeanine jumped right in: “I don’t like that…”

To which Watters immediately cleared up: “Not in a sexual way!”

But some people are still very upset.

Some even calling for him to be fired:

Watters responded today, swatting the controversy away.

Watch here (jump to the 9:05 minute mark if it doesn’t load there):

What do you think?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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