The United States, through climate envoy John Kerry, pledged to reduce emissions from refrigerators and air conditioners.

While Kerry travels the world on private jets, he wants to force the working class to give up basic amenities from their households.

“On Tuesday, 63 nations, including the United States, joined a pledge to cut down cooling-related emissions at the COP28 United Nations climate summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates,” The Epoch Times reports.

“The Global Cooling Pledge requires countries to reduce such emissions by at least 68 percent by 2050 compared to 2022 levels,” the outlet added.

The Biden administration continues attacking household appliances, falsely and arrogantly claiming they’re responsible for ‘climate change.’

It’s nonsensical hysteria that only serves to reduce the standard of living for working-class Americans.

The Epoch Times reports:

The focus of cooling-related emissions would be on appliances like air conditioners and refrigerators. The pledge also proposes setting up minimum energy performance standards for appliances by 2030.

“We want to lay out a pathway to reduce cooling-related emissions across all sectors but increase access to sustainable cooling,” said Mr. Kerry, who joined representatives from other countries in the pledge, Reuters reported.

“John Kerry lost his run for president & has been trying to assert his revenge on everyday Americans ever since. If he gets his way, our cars, our appliances, and food will be gone. All from a man who flies around on his wife’s private jet,” Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) said.

Fox Business added:

Emissions from both the refrigerants and the energy used in cooling now account for about 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions and are expected to triple by 2050 as temperatures continue to rise, according to the Clean Cooling Collaborative non-profit group.

Kerry and others at the conference argue that as the planet warms, air-conditioner usage will ramp up, and therefore, so will emissions. Installed capacity is set to triple by mid-century, driven by climbing temperatures, growing populations and rising incomes, according to research released by the United Nations.

“People will buy a very cheap air conditioner produced somewhere in Asia for 100 bucks and plug it in,” said Jürgen Fischer, president of climate solutions at Danish multinational Danfoss which specializes in heating and cooling.

“That will load the energy system a lot, and there will be a collapse. I don’t think it’s a good idea to allow these individual plug-ins anymore,” he said.

If John Kerry truly believes in his pledges, he can be the first individual to give up his refrigerator, air conditioner, and private jet trips.

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