Guest post by Blue State Conservative 

Jussie Smollett and Hunter Biden

There are no better examples of the bias and implausibility of the mainstream media. One is a story that they jumped on and pushed without finding substantiating facts. The other is a situation that is ripe with facts, but they refuse to give it any attention. One fits their narrative of systemic racism in America, while the other is the third rail of corruption leading to Joe Biden.

The Jussie Smollett case was a rush to a conclusion. This lack of concern for the truth is precisely what Smollett was banking on with his plan. He concocted a scene where a gay black man was assaulted by two assailants wearing Red MAGA hats. They doused him with bleach and put a rope noose around his neck. This horrific incident was all to happen on a deserted Chicago street, in the freezing, winter cold, but without ever damaging the Subway sandwich which Jussie had just bought. The only part of this story that was real was the Subway sub.

The MSM and morning talk shows like The View or The Talk wanted this story to be true. The racism theme fits their agenda of proving this country is overrun by racists and white supremacists. They claimed that anyone who saw this event as a sham was as guilty as the two assailants. Jussie Smollett was the perfect victim for the media as he checked off two cultural boxes. He is black and gay. To not believe his tale made you a racist and homophobic. The media had the public backed into a corner where there was no choice but to buy the story. Some refused to go along.

Smollett is on trial this week for the crime of fabricating the ridiculous hoax. The msm has yet to admit it was duped. They never will.

Then there is Hunter Biden. He has yet to be charged for any offense, but chances are good he has a “get out of jail card” for the next three years. Hunter’s laptop alone is a goldmine of wrongdoings that would get an ordinary citizen locked up. His shakedowns of foreign governments for access to his father, the Senator, the Vice President, and the President should be enough to launch an investigation but not today. He is protected from the Justice Department, and the msm is turning a blind eye. Nothing to see here. Move along. Sargent Schulz could be the Attorney General when it comes to the corrupt Biden family.

Then you have the carnival art, money laundering, influence-peddling scheme of Hunter Biden, the world-famous artist. His blow-art works are attracting more per piece than some of the great masters, but no problem with the Justice Department or the msm. He is Hunter Biden, Uncle Joe’s kid. He can do no wrong. There are so many reasons he should be teaching Straw Art at some federal correctional facility. How do the so-called journalists of the msm sleep at night? Unfortunately, they sleep soundly.

By Ray Cardello


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