Senator Ron Johnson spilled the beans on Fox News when he spoke about an informant who revealed a ‘secret society’ that had ‘secret meetings’ offsite at the FBI. Sen. Johnson told a shocked Bret Baier that these texts prove evidence of “corruption at the highest levels of the FBI.” Bader asked Jonson to confirm what he said again…this was obviously news to Baier!

The Daily Caller reports:

Sen. Johnson told Bret Baier that these texts prove evidence of “corruption at the highest levels of the FBI.” The the senator dropped a bombshell about the secret society:

“That secret society, we have an informant that’s talking about a group that was holding secret meetings offsite.”
Baier replied, “Secret meetings offsite at the Justice Department? You have an informant on that?”

Johnson said “Yes.”


A “SECRET SOCIETY” WAS ANTI-TRUMP AND PRO-CLINTON: Reps. Gowdy and Ratcliffe discuss how the collusion between intel agencies to take down Trump and prevent him from becoming president manifested itself into a “secret society” that weaponized intel and used FISA warrants to spy on Trump. This is huge!

Rep. John Ratliffe tweeted this out:

Rep. Matt Gaetz has seen the memo that is revealing the FBI and DOJ anti-Trump people who weaponized intel against Trump and for Clinton:

Just a reminder of what Hillary Clinton did or had done:
This is Rep. John Ratcliffe again…Great job! Note that after he lists everything, he says “maybe the decision was made long ago not to prosecute”…Wow! He was right from the beginning!

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