You know it’s bad when you release a platform SO radical and SO dangerous that even Far-Left CNN turns on you!

That’s what just happened to Kamala Harris after releasing her plan to “stop price gouging” at grocery stores.

Another name for that is “price fixing” and that’s exactly what they do in every single Communist Country and the results are all the same (spoiler alert: it never ends well).

So even Far-Left CNN had to admit this idea will “create more problems than it solves”.

That’s a VERY nice way to say it will send us on a fast-track to living in a Communist Shithole! (sorry Franklin).

Take a look:

Here’s a snip from the full CNN article:

Food prices have surged by more than 20% under the Biden-Harris administration, leaving many voters eager to stretch their dollars further at the grocery store.

On Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris said she has a solution: a federal ban on price gouging across the food industry.

“My plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules,” Harris said at a campaign event.

There’s just one issue: Harris’ proposal could create more problems than the one it’s trying to solve, some economists say.

Gavin Roberts studied anti-price gouging laws some states passed during the pandemic. One of the biggest effects he observed, especially at grocery stores, was that these laws motivated people “to go buy goods more than they would if prices had risen.”

When prices are high, in most cases, the best policy action in response is actually taking no action, Roberts, the chair of Weber State University’s economics department, told CNN.

That would cause consumers who are deterred by, say, high prices of beef, to instead purchase another type of meat or protein. That helps keep beef on the grocery store shelves for people who want it enough to pay the higher prices.

And while Harris claims her proposal “will help the food industry become more competitive,” Roberts said it would do just the opposite. “It’s more likely to maintain that status quo,” he said because it would keep new competition from moving in to take advantage of the bigger profit margins — competition that could have helped lower prices in the long run.

Jason Furman, a top economist in the Obama administration, shared Roberts’ view that anti-price gouging laws could inadvertently harm consumers. “This is not sensible policy, and I think the biggest hope is that it ends up being a lot of rhetoric and no reality,” he told the New York Times. “There’s no upside here, and there is some downside.”

Instead of pursuing anti-price gouging policies, Roberts recommended that Harris investigate what, if anything, is stopping new parties from entering concentrated industries.

To his point, a campaign fact sheet said that Harris also plans to make more resources available for “the federal government to identify and take on price-fixing and other anti-competitive practices in the food and grocery industries.”

The Harris Campaign displays a complete lack of a basic understanding of how our economy and a free market work.

Grocery stores are not arbitrarily setting high prices, what a stupid and rudimentary misunderstanding of basic markets.

As long as there is free market competition, grocery stores are in tight competition with the store down the street to keep prices competitive and low, otherwise they will lose all business to the competing store.

If prices are high, it’s not because one store just randomly decided to set them high and “gouge” customers.

It doesn’t work like that.

If prices are high, it’s because the COST OF GOODS to the store are high, so the grocery store sets prices that allows for a profit to the store but still low enough to keep customers.

It’s basic Econ 101.

What happens when you artificially set prices at the government level…..errrrrrr “stop price gouging” as the Harris Campaign is calling it?

What happens is immediate shortages and a quick plunge into empty store shelves as seen throughout history in EVERY SINGLE Communist country that has tried this!

Think about it….

Let’s say eggs cost $3 a dozen for the grocery store to purchase from it’s supplier.

Currently, the grocery store sells them for $4 on the shelf to make enough profit to pay for their employee salaries, rent, overhead, etc.

Now the “Almighty Government” comes in and says you can only charge $3.10 for eggs.  Or $2.75.

What do you think the store does next?

They suddenly purchase less eggs, possibly even zero eggs.

Why sell something that causes you to sell it at a loss?

You’re better off not selling any eggs than selling them at a loss.

$0 profit is better than negative $0.25 profit.

And voila….you suddenly have empty store shelves where eggs used to be.

This is not rocket science.

The only question remaining is whether the Kamala Harris campaign is so dumb it doesn’t realize this or whether it’s intentional to increase the crash of this country.

What do you think?

My money is on the latter.

I suppose I should clarify….I think Kamala herself is dumb enough to not have a clue about anything I just wrote, but the people behind her (Team Obama) know EXACTLY how this all works and they have a plan to crash this country.

That’s my take, but let me know what you think….

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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