Yesterday, President Trump tweeted about three South American nations that would see their aid from the U.S. cut off if they were unable to stop their citizens from joining the massive mob of citizens who have banded together in an effort breach our US borders at once.

President Trump tweeted: Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador were not able to do the job of stopping people from leaving their country and coming illegally to the U.S. We will now begin cutting off, or substantially reducing, the massive foreign aid routinely given to them.

Last night, during his rally in Houston, TX, Trump blamed the Democrats for organizing the massive group of illegal aliens who are currently en route to our southern border with Mexico, as a way to score political points with bleeding heart liberal voters. President Trump also addressed the bad people who are embedded in the massive caravan of illegal aliens hoping to make it safely across our southern border.

Breitbart News reports – For those who think President Trump is making up stories about “bad guys” entering the US with young kids and families, they don’t have to look too far to see examples of this horrible scam happening every day. Today, US Border agents apprehended a “bad hombre” who attempted to illegally cross into the US with his young son and other families.

Border Patrol agents assigned to the Rio Grande Valley Sector arrested a Salvadoran migrant who illegally crossed the border with his minor son and a large group of families. Court records indicate the man is wanted for murder in South Carolina’s McAllen Station agents came upon a large group of families and unaccompanied minors who had just crossed the border illegally on Saturday near Hidalgo, Texas. The agents took the group into custody and transported them to the McAllen Station for processing and a biometric background investigation.

Agents found court records from the sheriff’s office in Richland County, South Carolina, indicating the Salvadoran national is wanted for murder, according to Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol officials. The agents found the man in the company of his 13-year-old son.

Later that day, agents assigned to the Falfurrias Border Patrol Checkpoint in Brooks County, Texas, disrupted an attempt to smuggle an illegal immigrant through the checkpoint. Agents arrested the man and transported him to the Falfurrias Station for processing and a background investigation. During the investigation, the agents learned the man is a documented member of the 18th Street gang.

During a recent interview with Breitbart Texas Editor-in-Chief Brandon Darby, Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector Chief Manuel Padilla, Jr. reported an increase in the arrest of MS-13 gang members well in excess of 200 percent. The chief explained this is a national security risk because these criminal gang members do not stay in South Texas, but rather, travel all across the U.S.



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