In the audio recording from a community prayer breakfast, you’ll hear Rep. Steve Cohen speaking to an audience about President Trump endorsing Rep. Marsha Blackburn. Cohen makes the claim that he hopes Blackburn has jumped off of a bridge…the crowd laughs.

“The big orange president, that’s not somebody from Knoxville…He’s going to come down here and endorse Marsha Blackburn. ‘Cause Marsha Blackburn, if he says, ‘jump off the Harahan Bridge,’ she’ll jump off the Harahan Bridge. I wish he’d say that.”

We’re sure this comment will be laughed off but it continues the narrative from Democrats of violence against Republicans…Not funny!

Cohen is a Rep. from Tennessee and has been a controversial figure in the past. His attempt at comedy has been met with criticism and shock.


The Democrat Party’s #ResistTrump movement has reached an all-time-low. In an astonishing moment, during his questioning of the anti-Trump FBI agent, Peter Strzok, during the House Judiciary Committee hearing, Democrat Congressman Cohen of Tennessee told Strzok that if he could, he would like to give him a “Purple Heart”.

Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., told embattled FBI agent Peter Strzok Thursday that he deserved a Purple Heart for sitting through a public hearing that frequently veered off track and degenerated into shouting matches more than once.

“Mr. Strzok, I don’t know where to start,” Cohen said as he started his allotted five minutes. “If I could give you a Purple Heart, I would. You deserve one.”

Cohen went on to describe the hearing as “an attack on you and a way to attack [Special Counsel Robert] Mueller and the investigation that is to get at Russian collusion involved in our elections, which is what this committee should be looking at.”

The Purple Heart typically is awarded to members of the U.S. military who are wounded or killed by enemies in war. – Fox News For the record, Mr. Cohen, this is what a Purple Heart recipient REALLY looks like.

03/09/05 – WASHINGTON DC – Senior Airman Brian Kolfage works on a balance exercise at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington DC. Kolfage was severely wounded by a mortar on September 11, 2004, at Balad Airbase in Iraq. PHOTO LG FRANCIS/AIR FORCE TIMES

He’s not a sniveling coward who works for the FBI, that was cheating on his wife while sending text messages that would lead any rational American to believe he was doing everything in his power to affect the outcome of our presidential election. He’s Senior Airman Brian Kolfage, the most seriously wounded US Air Force member ever to survive his injuries.

He’s not a traitor to our country, in fact, he’s just the opposite. Senior Airman Kolfage was a brave member of our US Military who lost three of his limbs while valiantly serving overseas in Iraq on the battlefield.

In case you missed it, America doesn’t hand out “Purple Heart” awards to despicable FBI agents who try to throw elections, even if their intent was to help your candidate win.


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