Louis Farrakhan reportedly criticized the US policy in Iran during a trip there in which he chanted “Death to Israel”. He denounced America (see below) and the American policy of sanctions against Iran. He vowed support for Iran. It’s crickets from the Congressional Black Caucus and the Women’s March leaders who have all supported Farrakhan.

A video of the moment he chanted appeared on social media:

Joel Pollack of Breitbart News reports:

The Mehr reported:

Louis Farrakhan made the remarks in a meeting with the Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei in Tehran on Sunday, during which he also called the United States a big liar.

Farrakhan expressed happiness with his visit to Iran, saying the goal of his visit is to demonstrate real friendship with Iran.

Meanwhile, he said that the Americans have always been plotting against Iran and are seeking to create an internal enemy in Iran.

“I understand how the enemies have plotted against the Iranian people and I would like to stay alongside you to stop their plots,” he asserted.

Mehr also reported that Farrakhan criticized the U.S. alliance with Saudi Arabia and the U.S.-led war on the Ghadafi regime in Libya in 2011.

The Algemeiner also cited the IRIB news outlet, whose report is available through Google Translate. According to IRIB, Farrakhan delivered remarks to students at the University of Tehran:

He said that the United States and Israel are one of the most feared countries in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and if we do not resist them, we will leave nothing but death and destruction for our children.

The Muslim leader of the United States, in the end, stressed: Make a promise of self-striving to strengthen the interest of Muslims.

He then spoke the phrase “Death to America” ​​in Farsi, and a number of students also accompanied him.


No news on former President Obama disavowing this anti-American Muslim leader…The photo of Obama with Farrakhan was released recently along with photos of members of the Black Caucus. No word from the members of the Black Caucus on disavowing Farrakhan either…

Former President Bill Clinton also sat alongside Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin’s funeral. No word from him either.

Wouldn’t it be great if these Americans showed their allegiance to our country by disavowing this man?




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