The New York Times was repeatedly called out on social media for their fake news that drapes were purchased by the Trump administration for Nicki Haley at a cost of $52K. The problem is that they were purchased by the Obama administration. This is a case of a purposeful effort to deceive and not one of just negligence.
They finally walked back the fake news:
The problem with this is that most people won’t see the retraction and will go on believing the lie told by the Times posted 17 hours ago on twitter and still there…
This is such a common occurrence but readers are becoming more and more proactive in calling out the lies by the media. The media attention on twitter was brutal and constant until the NYT finally admitted they were incorrect.
Donald Trump Jr. tweeted out about the fake article calling out the New York Times and asking for a correction:
Except it was Obama’s State Dept. Will you print a correction or just leave it as is because you want it to be true???
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 14, 2018
He also tweeted out the correction from Washington Examiner: “Shocking! Weird how it won’t get coverage now.”
Shocking! Weird how it won’t get coverage now. The $52,000 curtains for Nikki Haley's office were bought by Obama's State Department, not Trump's
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 14, 2018
He’s correct…