Obama just endorsed Ammar Campa Najjar who is running for Congress in California. He is the grandson of a Palestinian terrorist who organized the killing of 12 Jews during the Munich Olympics.
This guy is a Soros MoveOn.org-funded candidate who’s playing the same game as the other Soros-funded candidates across America. Several incumbents have been challenged by these candidates who’ve come from nowhere and who are funded by Soros. This is truly a disturbing trend.
Breitbart News had this to say about Najjar:
- Campa-Najjar’s grandfather, Muhammad Yousef al-Najjar (Abu Yousef), was a major Palestinian terrorist, responsible for the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. He was also a senior aide to Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat. He was killed by Israeli commandos but continues to receive posthumous honors, like other terrorists, from the Palestinian Authority.
- Campa-Najjar denounced his grandfather in 2018. However, in 2015, he called him a “legend” in a post on Instagram. When Breitbart News drew attention to the post, Campa-Najjar deleted it, without explanation.
- Campa-Najjar changed his name legally from “Ammar Yasser Najjar” to “Ammar Joseph Campa-Najjar” after the California primary. His name had appeared on the primary ballot as “Ammar Campa-Najjar.”
- Campa-Najjar removed the surname “Najjar” from his campaign committee, as filed with the FEC.
- Campa-Najjar’s campaign donated $650 to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in 2017. As Breitbart News has noted: “In 2007-8, CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the terror financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. That case, in turn, led the FBI to discontinue its work with the organization. In 2009, a federal judge ruled that the government “produced ample evidence to establish” the ties of CAIR with Hamas, the Palestinian terror organization. The United Arab Emirates labeledCAIR a terrorist organization in 2014 (a decision that the Obama administration opposed).”
- Campa-Najjar has received nearly $9,000 in donations from CAIR officials, which he refuses to return.
- Campa-Najjar received a $250 donation in 2017 from a Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations.
A Moveon.org link was placed on his twitter feed. The tactic taken by the media is that Duncan Hunter is running an “anti-Muslim” campaign but Najjar claims to be a Christian. You knew this was coming. The left has bamboozled people into voting for this guy who is backed by dark money from Moveon.org.
Congressional candidate Ammar Campa-Najjar has received $17,300 in contributions from board members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR was found to have ties to Hamas, the Palestinian-Islamic resistance organization so this is another curious detail about Najjar.
Duncan Hunter is leading in the polls but this Democrat running against him is a symbol of a trend we’re seeing across America.