Election integrity has become a core issue for many Americans. Preserving freedom begins with honest, transparent elections where each person’s vote is counted correctly. This is a concern most Americans now share.
The issue is bi-partisan. Vast numbers of Republicans and Democrats believe election fraud affected the 2020 and 2022 elections.
Rasmussen Reports tweeted an “Update: A national Bi-partisan blockbuster election integrity survey coming tomorrow 65% say Maricopa election problems affected the outcome of the election, and 69% say many voters were deprived of their sacred right to vote. And these responses are just from Democrats.”

Rasmussen Reports also broke down the way election fraud can proceed. Tweeting,
“Maricopa Masters Election Fraud – It’s Easy!
Mail Ballots-
-Broken chain of custody allows illegitimate ballot insertion
-Forged signature then approved to stuff fave votes
Election Day Voting –
-Non-conforming ballot paper triggers auto “adjudication” of votes by others”
This tweet also shows 38,909 ballot signatures that were counted that do not match. This is hugely significant in a state were races for Secretary of State, Attorney General, and Governor was razor thin. The only place thus far that Americans have been able to look back on their ballots was in Arizona, and the issues that were discovered were severe and considerable.


However, after a recent ruling in Pennsylvania, the Keystone State may be the next location where concerned citizens are able to review what took place with their ballots during the 2020 election.

According to the Western Journal, if as few as three voters in a precinct think there’s a problem with an election, those voters can file a petition with the county election board, and until the issue is resolved, the election board cannot certify the election.

The Chester County Board of Elections, which is Democrat-controlled, bi-passed this law. They opted to certify the 2020 results even though they had petitions filed by local residents. The petitioners requested a recount to validate the results.

After the board broke the law by certifying the elections, the resident’s petition went before Judge Jeffrey Sommer in the Chester County Court of Common Pleas.

Sommer scheduled a hearing to examine the claims but did not respond to the petitions, and in doing so, he also broke the law. Instead, the judge reviewed the recount petitions, requesting evidence of fraud. When he was not satisfied by the evidence he was presented with, he rejected the petitions “with prejudice,” which meant the petitions could not be refiled.

The Chester county petition issue then moved to the Commonwealth Appeals Court. And on Feb 10, Judge Christine Fizzano Cannon rebuked both Judge Sommer and the Chester County Board of Elections.

“The Trial Court did not schedule a date and time for the opening of the ballot boxes as required. Instead, the Trial Court entered an order scheduling a ‘hearing.”

She added that the Supreme Court had previously ruled that elections could not be certified when “petitions to open the ballot boxes are pending. Once those petitions are filed by voters, it stops the process.”

Petition organizer Ada Nestor spoke about her disappointment with the local response of the judge and the election board, “It was disappointing to see the law misunderstood by Judge Sommer and by Chester County Board of Elections Democrats Marian Moskowitz and Josh Maxwell.”

Another county also had petitions filed. Neighboring Berks County did not certify their elections following the filing of petitions.

Nestor believes the next step in the process will be that the ballot boxes are opened and examined.


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