Americans should count their blessings this Thanksgiving weekend. While Europe has globalists like Angela Merkel who allowed a literal invasion of her country, our president is putting America first.

Merkel recently took a swipe at President Trump over nationalism.  She believes a country should be willing to give up its sovereignty.

President Trump is fighting on several fronts to stop the attempt to continue the globalist policy of Obama to “fundamentally transform” America to a third world sh*thole.

He just tweeted out a warning to “originating countries” and a demand that there will be “No crossings!”

Would be very SMART if Mexico would stop the Caravans long before they get to our Southern Border, or if originating countries would not let them form (it is a way they get certain people out of their country and dump in U.S. No longer). Dems created this problem. No crossings!


While our mainstream media is laser-focused on approximately 5% of caravan members who are mothers and children, the truth has been exposed by citizen journalists.

The Epoch Times reports that caravan members plan on waiting until the numbers grow to 20,000 and then they will rush the border. Another caravan member said asylum takes too long so he plans on crossing the border illegally:

-Gómez said he is not sure if he will apply for asylum: “It’s a waste of time. It’s a process that takes months and years—it’s a long time.”

-Frank Martinez says he will cross illegally: “Because we want a better life, and I’m in a hurry.”

The video below tells you exactly what you need to know:


The line for food just outside the camp confines. Free meals are served at 10 am and 5 pm. There are 5,150 migrants now at the camp in Tijuana.


This is a sports center in Tijuana, Mexico that has been set up to house the caravan members.

This is a virtual powder keg just waiting to explode. How long will it take for 20,000 to gather at our border? It didn’t take long for over 5,000 to get there.

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