Creepy Joe Biden, the lifetime politician who’s been caught in a variety of videos and photos groping young girls or making uncomfortable comments to a variety of young children is the Democrat Party’s best chance for defeating President Trump in 2020.

If the size of the crowd who came to hear Biden speak in Las Vegas is any indication of how he’ll fare against the wildly popular Donald Trump, he might want to rethink his decision to run.

It’s almost as if President Trump custom ordered his opponent.

In between the blaring trumpets from a mariachi band and chants from union workers, former Vice President Joe Biden took the stage Saturday in Las Vegas to fire up voters on the first day Nevadans can cast ballots for the Nov. 6 election.

“This election is literally bigger than politics,” Biden said. “No matter how old or young you are, you never have participated in an election that is as consequential as this election, nationally and locally.”

Many people on Twitter were claiming that only 193 people attended the Democrats rally for Joe Biden.

Biden said electing a slate of Nevada Democrats to Congress, which could shift power from Republicans, will be critical in holding President Donald Trump accountable.

If the size of Biden’s rally is any indication about the number of Americans excited about his run for President, the Democrat Party’s front-runner may be in for a world of trouble…

Trump is undermining America’s reputation worldwide, Biden said, and “shredding” the country’s basic fundamental of decency. Biden, expected to be a 2020 presidential candidate, told the crowd at the Culinary Union’s headquarters that Washington Republicans are choosing their party over their country. – Las Vegas Review-Journal

Here’s a video showing Joe Biden take the stage in Las Vegas. Most of the crowd appears to be wearing matching union t-shirts. The organized crowd is typical of Democrat rallies, and appears to be anything but organic.

Meanwhile, in another location in Las Vegas, President Trump was addressing thousands in a packed venue where he campaigned for Senator Dean Heller (R) and Adam Laxalt, the Republican candidate for Governor.

Here’s a shot of Trump supporters arriving early at Trump’s rally in Nevada.

President Donald Trump poked fun at former Joe Biden on a day when both politicians were campaigning in Nevada for candidates on the Nov. 6 ballot.

Trump supporters claimed thousands are inside Trump’s rally, while thousands wait outside.

Trump was in rural Elko, Nevada, for a rally a short time after Biden appeared hundreds of mile south in Las Vegas.

The president mocked the potential 2020 White House contender as ‘1 percent Joe’ — a reference to Biden’s low showing in earlier presidential runs.

Trump said Barack Obama came along in 2008 and took Biden “off of the trash heap and made him vice president.”

Trump boasted of the size of his audience in Elko and said Biden drew only a few hundred in Las Vegas “and he was thrilled — that’s – SF Gate


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