Swedish Party Leader Jimmie Akesson, who is at the forefront of the second largest political party, Sweden Democrats, is pushing the government to open the door for Sweden to leave the European Union (EU). The Sweden Democrats have been opposed to the country’s EU membership for a long time and are calling for a change.

Jimmie Akesson, Sweden Democrat Leader

According to Daily Mail, Akesson recently wrote an article with Swedish MEP Charlie Weimers, calling for the country to retain its sovereignty instead of handing its power to the EU,

“We Sweden Democrats now want to investigate how our country can prevent more transfer of power to the EU, maximize our influence, and achieve better negotiation results.” They added,

‘This is currently a more urgent issue than the discussion about membership.’

The duo also believes the country should take appropriate steps now to prepare for leaving the EU.

One constitutional change, they say, would be the introduction of a so-called ‘referendum lock,’ which would allow the people to vote before power is transferred to the EU. The model is the same proposed in Britain prior to their decision to leave the EU. In 2011 Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron proposed a similar restriction. Four years later, he pushed a referendum for Brexit, which led to Britain exiting the EU.

Like many countries, including America, Sweden has suffered at the hands of globalists who have pushed mass immigration and strict but questionable environmental policies that handicap the public and harm their financial health.

According to one Twitter user, the Swedish Democrat party bears similarities to the US Republican party, and Jimmy Akesson, who has not yet reached the effectiveness of Donald Trump, is helping lead Sweden in the right direction. Akesson’s party is relatively young, arising only 13 years ago, but is steadily gaining and could help push Sweden toward exiting the EU.

Weimers and Åkesson called for changing the country’s constitution and training Swedes to be able to negotiate their own trade agreements rather than allowing the EU to decide. The pair also said that Sweden should understand where they could improve on Brexit so they are prepared,

“In order for preparedness to be credible, it is necessary that we remove the writings in the constitution that state that Sweden is a member of the EU. In addition, we should train a cadre of civil servants with the expertise to negotiate trade agreements and other things that we have delegated to the EU and study how Brexit could have been implemented better. The better preparedness we have to leave, the more we will gain in future negotiations.”

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