President Trump just weighed in on how America would look with the leftist candidates that participated in the DNC debate last night.

Democrats plan on raising taxes but then plan on giving freebies to illegals using YOUR tax dollars. Bernie Sanders just admitted (see below) that Medicare for all won’t be free. Free is NEVER free because someone has to pay for it. That someone will be the middle class in America…JUST ASK BERNIE

President Trump is right!

If I hadn’t won the 2016 Election, we would be in a Great Recession/Depression right now.

The people I saw on stage last night, & you can add in Sleepy Joe, Harris, & the rest will lead us into an economic sinkhole the likes of which we have never seen before.

With me, only up!

The new economic numbers that came out today (see below) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics prove President Trump right!

And then he tweeted out a quote from Senator John Kennedy:

“The lesser of two Socialists is still a Socialist!” Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana


Jake Tapper asked Bernie Sanders about whether ‘Medicare for all’ will be free or will the middle class be taxed.

Sanders stuttered a little and then said under his breath that taxes will be necessary: “We’ll have to do that.”

Noooo! Didn’t they tell everyone it would be FREE?

Yes, taxes will go up in order for everyone to have Medicare for all so money doesn’t grow on trees.

While Democrats want the voters to think that they will magically receive free healthcare or college, the reality is that none of these things will be free to Amercians. It’s hard to believe that there really are people who believe what Sanders is telling them.

Our economy is booming and America is winning again according to the newly released information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, job openings and hires continued to trend upward in 2018, with both job openings and hires reaching their highest levels since the series began in December 2000. The number of annual quits in 2018 reached its highest level in the history of the series as well.

Data elements from the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) generally trended upward for total nonfarm, total private, and in many component industries over 2018. In November 2018, the seasonally adjusted job openings level reached 7.6 million, the highest monthly level since the job openings series began in December 2000. The annual hires level increased from 65.7 million in 2017 to 68.9 million in 2018. 

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