President Trump famously challenged Joe Biden to take a drug test before tonight’s debate.

Not that anyone seriously expected he would take it, but it’s one of President Trump’s classic moves, it’s called the “Double Bind”.

It’s genius and President Trump uses it all the time.

A Double Bind is when you challenge someone to something that has two possible choices, but either choice they take is a loser for them.

For example, this challenge here to take a Drug Test.

Taking it almost certainly would confirm Biden is on many drugs to amp him up for the debate.

So that’s not an option.

But not taking it also makes him look very bad because he looks scared and it’s basically an admission of drugs by refusing to take it.

So he loses either way.


And he chose in this case to lose by refusing to take the drug test:

Here’s more, from my friends over at The Gateway Pundit:

The Biden Camp officially refused to drug test Joe Biden ahead of Thursday night’s highly anticipated presidential debate.

Joe Biden is currently hiding at Camp David and doing “debate prep.”

President Trump and Joe Biden will face off in the first presidential debate next Thursday. The debate will be hosted by CNN in Atlanta.

The microphones will be muted except when it is the candidate’s ‘turn’ to speak.

The bar is set so low for feeble Biden that all he has to do is show up and not keel over and he will be applauded.

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson demanded Joe Biden take a drug test before and after the debate.

President Trump has offered to take a drug test before the debate.

Joe Biden however is refusing to take a drug test because he has to be heavily medicated just to make it through the day.

Watch this:

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Transcript from the Mediate:

BORIS SANCHEZ: One last question, Adrienne. President — former President Trump asking President Biden for a drug test going into Thursday night. What’s your reaction?

ADRIENNE ELROD: I mean, I don’t even really know what to say about that. I worked on Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

And so he has to resort to these types of tactics which are, frankly, just silly. Turns off a lot of voters, especially voters who want to see their president fight for them.

BORIS SANCHEZ: Adrienne Elrod, we have to leave the conversation there.

And let’s end with something funny….

This is a parody but so hilarious:

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This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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