Tucker Carlson goes after Adam Schiff…This is classic!
Tucker Carlson trolled Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intel Committee, tonight by bringing up the time in 2013 when he appeared as a guest on Russia Today.

Carlson, dripping with sarcasm, explained in his opener, “Now tonight we’ve learned that the foreign subversion goes even deeper than that. The Russian conspiracy is so subtle, so crafty, such a bewildering Slavic hall of mirrors, that the very people warning us about Russia are in fact key players in the Russian conspiracy. The leaders in the witch hunt are witches.”


Mediate reports:

He brought up the report last year about how RT disseminates anti-US propaganda before queueing up a photo from when Schiff was on RT five years ago talking about NSA surveillance, saying that he “seemed to promote conspiracy theories about the U.S. government.”

He also noted how another Democrat, Jim Himes, also once appeared on “Vladimir Putin‘s cable channel.”

Carlson even made a point of suggesting both Schiff and Himes recuse themselves from the investigation, “including appearances on MSNBC’s primetime line-up.”


We reported that George Soros has been a financial backer of Rep. Adam Schiff’s political career (see below) via his organization MoveOn.org. It becomes clearer that when you’re listening to Schiff that he’s just a mouthpiece for Soros and the far left. Listen to the wacky suggestion below that Russia is promoting our Second Amendment and “would be thrilled if we were doing nothing but killing each other every day…” Whoa!

“Apparently the Russians are very big fans of our Second Amendment. They don’t particularly want a Second Amendment of their own, but they’re really glad that we have one. The Russians would be thrilled if we were doing nothing but killing each other every day, and sadly we are.”

Breitbart News reports:

He made the observation during a speech at the University of Pennsylvania.

The Media Research Center reports that Schiff claimed that Russians took to social media during the presidential campaign in order to divide America and cause one demographic of Americans to oppose another. He said Russia pushed “content designed to pit us against each other, to exploit our divisions.”

He suggested that this included Russians parroting Black Lives Matter and promoting the Second Amendment.


As it turns out, George Soros was instrumental in helping fund Schiff’s political career. Schiff was bankrolled by Soros organization MoveOn.org:

Breitbart News reports:

Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, was previously financially aided by the George Soros-financed MoveOn.org to win his Congressional seat.

Schiff was also awarded the Toll Fellowship, which is sponsored by the Council of State Governments, a nonprofit that monitors federal government activities and is heavily financed by Soros’s Open Society Foundations.

The Open Society and Soros-funded groups have additionally supported a number of Schiff’s legislative efforts.

Schiff has been helping to lead the Democrats’ unsubstantiated charges of alleged collusion between President Donald Trump and Moscow.

Last month, Schiff delivered the opening statements at a Congressional hearing where he laid out the case for alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.  This reporter previously documented serious problems with Schiff’s charges, which include wild conspiracy theories and heavy reliance on a questionable source.

Wonder if he’s beholden to Soros now? We believe he is! Remember that Schiff has been lying and leaking since day one of Trump presidency. He believes the end justifies the means even if it’s corrupt.



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