This is hilarious on so many different levels…

First is the CBS reporter reading President Trump’s comments about Kamala Harris right to her face and she just has to sit there and listen:

CBS REPORTER: “Donald Trump was on Joe Rogan, and he called you, Madame Vice President, a very low IQ person…

And said I think she needs to take a cognitive test…

I think Kamala should have a test because there’s something missing, there’s something wrong with her.”

Then watch at Kamala just smiles and nods her head in reply:

You can’t make this stuff up!

That’s solid gold.

Here now is the longer clip, unedited, showing that the first clip was provided entirely in context.  Yes, she really does just nod and smile in response.

But then the CBS Reporter follows up asking the question again and it takes a while for Kamala’s brain cells to fire, but when they do she says yes she will take the test.  And then thinking quick on her feet (LOL) says she challenges President Trump to take the same test.

Watch here:

This is such a classic Trump move….

It’s called the “Double Bind” and it’s a move President Trump uses all the time.

The Double Bind is a classic situation in which a person is confronted with two irreconcilable demands or a choice between two undesirable courses of action.

President Trump has used it so many times before, like when he told Jeb Bush he was “a real tough guy”.

Jeb had two choices at that point, (1) agree with Trump that he wasn’t very tough, or (2) try to act like a “tough guy” and embarrass himself.  Jeb chose #2 and the rest is history.

President Trump just rolled out the Double Bind on Kamala and got her to bite hook, line and sinker.

“Kamala is a low IQ person….she should take a cognitive test.”

At this point, Kamala had two, equally bad choices and you can see her trying to work through them in her head as she smiles and nods….the brain cells doing their best to try and come up with an answer.  Option (1) refuse to take the IQ test and appear fearful of what it would show, or Option (2) take the bait.

Just like Jeb Bush, she chose Option #2, and the rest will soon be history.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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