During the 2020 election cycle, much was made of Kamala Harris’ intelligence and supposedly first-rate oratory skills.  President Biden, being an excellent judge of intelligence, called Harris ‘smart as a devil’ when defending his decision to make her his Vice President.

The mainstream media echoed Biden’s sentiment throughout the 2020 Presidential election and during the first year of his presidency.

Glamour Magazine called Harris a ‘world-class debater’, saying, “Kamala Harris knows how to speak. When she takes the floor at Senate confirmation hearings, her questions dismember nominees in a way that feels obscenely cinematic, like a scene from a glossy procedural.”

YouGov claimed that Democratic voters described Harris as ‘smart and tough’ as the media was attempting to boost her during the primary, where she bottomed out at an abysmal 3.5% in the polls before dropping out and supporting Biden.

It’s clear that there is a disconnect between the elite media’s perception of Harris and reality.  This week, Kamala had yet another hilarious gaffe that shows why the media’s perception of her is deluded.  She said, “When we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community” during a speech this week.  Insightful.


The context of the speech is unclear at this time.

This is not Kamala’s first time having difficulty stringing a coherent sentence together.

Earlier this month, she repeated the phrase ‘We will work together’ four times in under thirty seconds during a speech about climate change.

Keeping with her pattern of repeating phrases in increments of four, she repeated that there was “significance to the passage of time” four times in 32 seconds earlier this month.

While Biden is clearly not very bright, its good to know Vice President Kamala Harris is acting as the brains of the operation.

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