Yesterday, Democrat activists showed a disgusting lack of respect, as they commandeered the funeral of legendary entertainer, Aretha Franklin to push the Democrat Party’s radical agenda. Their disgusting attempt to remake Aretha Franklin into a Democrat activist was shameful and embarrassing. The Queen of Soul deserved so much more than the phony preachers and purveyors of racism and hate gave her. Those of us who spent our lives in the suburbs of Detroit know the truth about Aretha and will remember her for the contribution she, and her incredible music made to the lives of every American.

The race-baiter-for-hire, and fake preacher, Al Sharpton filled in for the divisive former President Barack Obama at the podium during Aretha Franklin’s funeral. Sharpton started out his speech giving his charity slush fund a plug, as he recalled how the Queen of Soul once contributed to NAN.

Sharpton also took the opportunity to twist President Trump’s comments about Aretha. Sharpton told the crowd, which included serial sexual predator and former president, Bill Clinton, Nation of Islam hate preacher and anti-semite, Louis Farrakhan, and the woman who once referred to blacks as “super predators”, failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.

“When word went out that Ms. Franklin passed, Trump said, ‘She used to work for me.'” Sharpton said. “No, she used to perform for you. She worked for us.”

Sharpton received a standing ovation.

The “Reverend” Jesse Jackson shamelessly turned his time at the podium into a get out the vote effort, reminding the guests at Aretha’s funeral that “we lost Michigan by 11,000 votes” during his barely intelligible speech at Franklin’s funeral.

The hypocrisy of the left was on full display throughout what should have been a celebration of Franklin’s life that was instead, turned into a show about victimhood, oppression and hate for President Trump and his supporters.

Bishop Charles H. Ellis, III, pastor of Greater Grace Temple, who presided over the funeral harekened back to the days of the civil rights era, as he carried on about the prejudices blacks suffered by whites, and how their racism forced Aretha to live in the city of Detroit:

The so-called Bishop had no problem, however, admitting to the mega pop-superstar “Ariana Grande” that when he saw her name of the program for Franklin’s funeral, he thought she was simply an item from the Taco Bell menu. Not even a hint of racism here…LOL!


Bishop Ellis used Aretha’s funeral to praise the hate-filled, racist, Democrat politician, Maxine Waters, claiming she’s facing threats from Trump supporters, saying:

Waters has been “attacked like never before. … but she’s a strong black woman…from southside LA.”
Ellis tells crowd: “Say it…we got your back.”

Legendary singer, Stevie Wonder could have used his time at the podium to talk about what it meant to perform with the iconic Queen of Soul, but Stevie Wonder instead, took the somber occassion to accuse President Trump of removing love from America and used his campaign slogan to make a political point at the funeral, as he showed his support for the radical, hate group Black Lives Matter:

Georgetown Sociologist Michael Eric Dyson, really brought the house down when he took a shot at the Obama’s for not showing up at Aretha’s funeral and worked himself into a frenzy while exhibiting unbridled hate for Whites and for President Trump at Franklin’s funeral.  Eric started out his rant by plugging the blackness of Detroit, that for decades has been considered one of America’s most dangerous cities, many times taking the top spot on the list no city wants to find itself on. “She was black because she was from the blackest city in the world…Detroit. ” Dyson exclaimed. “She was about “getting Angela Davis out of jail” and “She was about working with Martin Luther King, Jr, and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, she was about transforming the existence of black America”. As a resident of the suburbs of Detroit for most of my life, I can’t recall a single time that I saw Aretha push for either one of those race-baiting clowns. Most of us, who grew up in the Detroit area, remember Aretha for her music…period.

Professor Dyson was quick to condemn America’s first “Black President” and the former first lady, Barack and Michelle Obama, without having the courage to actually say their names, as he shouted: “Now negroes scared to say they black. Scared to show up at a too black place. That’s why some black folk ain’t there today. They sending letters. They don’t want to get up in this blackness. They don’t want to feel the nasty power of this blackness. We are black in Detroit. We don’t care.” He then turned his hateful rhetoric on President Trump, who upon hearing about Franklin’s death, fondly recalled how many times he hired her to work for his events, as he angrily shouted, “And then this orange apparition had the nerve to say, she worked for him. You lugubrious leech. You lethal liar. You foolish fascist. She didn’t work for you. She worked above you. She worked beyond you. Get your preposition right.”

Dyson was probably just helping to prove Stevie Wonder’s point about how they were going to make “love great again”…


Black conservative Twitter user, Dumisani Washington blasted the Aretha Franklin attendees seated in the front row:

Here’s the entire Aretha Franklin funeral, for anyone who has the stomach to watch it:


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