The Boston Herald is reporting on the latest request from the Massachusetts judge who is suspended for allowing a criminal illegal alien to go free. In fact, she let the man go free down a back stairway of the courthouse!
Her lawyers just requested that her pay be reinstated:
Joseph, who has pleaded not guilty to charges, has an annual salary of $181,328.
In a motion to reconsider filed Thursday, first reported by the Boston Globe, her attorneys Michael Keating and David Kluft ask that Joseph’s suspension be with pay. They argue withholding her salary runs counter to the presumption of Joseph’s innocence and undermines the court’s stated position about not offering an opinion on the case.
Prior to this, request the judge refused to take a plea deal so now she faces up to 20 years behind bars. Either this judge is in denial about how much trouble she’s in or she is just stubborn. She’s clearly an activist judge who believes in open borders and sanctuary cities hence the release of a criminal illegal alien onto our streets.
Our previous reports on Judge Shelley Joseph:
The suspended Massachusetts judge who was caught red-handed letting a criminal illegal alien escape has just turned down a very generous plea deal.
According to Hot Air, Judge Shelley Richmond Joseph allegedly conspired with as many as five people to orchestrate the escape of a criminal illegal alien from her courtroom. She was arrested and could be facing decades of jail time, not to mention the end of her judicial career
As it turns out, the US Attorney handling the case offered Joseph a very generous plea deal in which she could avoid criminal prosecution. Who wouldn’t take that, right? She would only be required to admit “her behavior was improper” and stay out of trouble for a year. She turned it down. Could it be that Judge Joseph wants to be a martyr? She faces up to 20 years in prison but will not likely get the entire 20 years.
Massachusetts Judge Shelley Joseph cried as she was leaving court after being charged with helping an illegal alien evade ICE.
Judge Joseph was indicted for obstruction of justice.
Her attorney called the prosecutor “politically motivated: ‘This prosecution is absolutely political, Shelley Joseph is absolutely innocent.’
No, you jackass, the judge BROKE THE LAW!
A Massachusetts judge who helped an illegal alien escape ICE is in hot water with federal authorities. A court officer is also mentioned in the charges against the judge.
In April of last year, a judge and court officer helped a “twice-deported illegal” with a “fugitive warrant” escape from ICE. Oh, he had also been in the judge’s courtroom on drug charges:
Fox News reports that Newton District Court Judge Shelley M. Richmond Joseph and the court officer, identified in court documents as Wesley MacGregor, face several charges stemming from an April 2, 2018 incident in which the pair allegedly helped Jose Medina-Perez get out of the courthouse via a back door in order to elude the ICE agent who sought Medina-Perez. They’re both charged with obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting; obstruction of a federal proceeding, aiding and abetting and conspiracy to obstruct justice. MacGregor was also charged with perjury before a federal grand jury.
Oh boy! This case highlights the state and federal tensions with illegal aliens and deportation. Ignoring law and order has gone on for so long that it’s even being ignored by a judge in Portland, Oregon.
Many leaders in sanctuary cities across the country have already said they’ll ignore the immigration laws and harbor the illegals. If they do ignore the laws, federal funds could be withheld from them:
A young man’s daring escape from capture by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, apparently with the assistance of a local judicial referee, has shocked and divided the Portland legal community.
Multnomah County court referee Monica Herranz is under internal review and the target of complaints from a federal prosecutor after allegedly helping the undocumented immigrant elude ICE last month by exiting the courtroom through an employee door.
The getaway didn’t ultimately keep the man from being snared by immigration officials after pleading guilty to a DUII. But it demonstrates how everyday court proceedings have mutated, and how tensions have grown within the criminal justice system, as ICE steps up deportations under President Donald Trump.
“Our job is to run a courthouse,” says Multnomah County Circuit Presiding Judge Nan Waller. “It’s a difficult position to be in.”
Diddier Pacheco Salazar, a Mexican-born construction worker in his mid-20s, was charged Jan. 1 with driving recklessly and under the influence of intoxicants. At his first court appearance Jan. 3 he pleaded not guilty.
At his second appearance, on Jan. 27, he changed his plea to guilty in exchange for a deferred sentence and entry into a diversion program.
Two days earlier, Trump had signed executive orders starting the construction of a border wall with Mexico, stepping up deportations of undocumented immigrants, and declaring that “sanctuary jurisdictions” such as Portland could lose federal grant funding. Reports spread of increased activity by plainclothes ICE officers in and around the Multnomah County Courthouse.
Pacheco Salazar and his court-appointed attorney, John Schlosser, were aware of the risks. They knew, Schlosser says, that plainclothes ICE agents were waiting outside the courtroom on the third floor of the Justice Center at 1120 SW 3rd Ave. It appeared Pacheco Salazar might be deported before he could face justice.
“I prepped my client. I said, ‘I don’t know if they’re going to pick you up outside or what, but here’s how to prepare,'” Schlosser tells WW. “After the court appearance, I went out in the hallway and sat.
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