The justice editor of a liberal website named Think Progress, founded by Judd Legum, may have barked up the wrong tree when he posted a message that sounded like he supports people confronting Republicans “where they sleep.”

His name is Ian Millhiser and he’s facing a vicious backlash in regard to the comment he posted on Twitter. Perhaps Judd Legum’s puppet should watch what he says, because he’s getting wrecked in his own comments, and it came with several warnings.

This backlash is likely triggered by the numerous physical attacks that have occurred in which Republicans have been shot (Steve Scalise), attempted stabbing by switchblade (Rudy Peters), attacked by a neighbor (Rand Paul), or even ran out of a restaurant with verbal attacks (Sarah Sanders, Ted Cruz).

That being said, anyone who directly or indirectly supports the confrontation of politicians could be pushing those on the edge, a little bit off the edge, and that isn’t a good thing.

With a number of physical attacks on Republicans already under our unfortunate belts, it’s people like Millhiser who should be more cautious at what they say. Of course, that’s unless he’s starved for attention and wants his Maxine Waters moment. If that’s his goal with a ridiculous tweet, then goal accomplished.

If he just wanted attention, then he got it. Except, it’s not the right attention and it could end up with someone being physically hurt – or worse.

Specifically, Millhiser stated on Twitter “Tell me again why we shouldn’t confront Republicans where they eat, where they sleep, and where they work until they stop being complicit in the destruction of our democracy.”

Screenshot provided in the event that Millhiser deletes his tweet.

Here are just a few of the replies Millhiser received.

At what point are Millhiser’s words considered supportive of violence and inciteful?

Technically, he just asked a question. However, if you look at it from another perspective, then it appears to be his way of saying that he supports confrontation and maybe he wants others to tell him why he shouldn’t do it himself.

Is he on the verge of physically or verbally confronting someone just because they have a different set of political beliefs? Is he going to provide people with another reason on why the Democratic Party is falling apart and their supporters are losing their minds? Some, not all, but many.

If but one person confronts someone because of Millhiser’s tweet and it becomes physical and someone is hurt, or worse, then that’s on him.

He can’t control what other people do, but he should be more responsible with his words on social media.

Any single message can spiral out of control, and if someone gets confronted “where they sleep” then it could be very, very bad.


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