Yep…Hillary’s now a champion of lesbians and gay marriage. Or is she? It’s hard to tell exactly what Hillary stands for. She seemed pretty adamant in the videos below that she was committed to preserving the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman. 

hillary billie jean

Hillary Clinton has garnered one of her first major endorsements in run bid for the White House: The nation’s largest lesbian political action committee.

The group, LPAC, launched Lesbians4Hillary on Monday to support the former First Lady’s bid to become the nation’s first female president.

Lesbians4Hillary, co-chaired by pioneering tennis great Billie Jean King, said: ‘Hillary Clinton is a proven leader and she has a strong track record when it comes to inclusion — specifically for women and the LGBTQ community.

‘Her entire career has been a road map to get her to this moment and she has earned my respect and my vote to become the next President of the United States of America. I am honored to join LPAC and help lead our effort to elect Hillary Clinton in 2016.’
King, who was outed as a lesbian in 1981, was a leader of the group ‘Women for Hillary’ in 2008, as well.

But wait…what about this video showing Hillary’s unyielding support for traditional marriage?

In the video released yesterday announcing Clinton’s candidacy for president, two gay couples were included. Among them, two lesbians who look lovingly into each other’s eyes.

hillary 4 lesbians

However, in her 2008 campaign, Clinton did not support gay marriage. It took her five years – to publicly say that she supported gay marriage. President Barack Obama publicly announced his support for gay marriage nearly a year earlier in March 2012.

Via: UK Daily Mail


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