America has come a long way in the past decade when it comes to the acceptance of gays and a gay lifestyle. Where most of us draw the line however, is when the gay community feels it’s their obligation to push a gay or “alternative” lifestyle on our young children.
LGBT Canadians are furious after a Catholic school district canceled performances of a play about gender identity – meant for children as young as 5 years old.

“I fear these cancellations may be based on misinformation, grown out of fear, intolerance, transphobia, homophobia and misogyny,” wrote Jessica Carmichael, the artistic director of the Carousel Playhouse.

The playhouse had been scheduled to perform a play called, “Boys, Girls and Other Mythological Creatures.” The show had already been booked in five elementary schools in the Niagara Catholic School District.

The play features an 8-year-oid boy who dresses as a girl and questions his gender, The Globe and Mail reports.

“In the play, Simon(e) feels boxed in by the restrains of gender,” Carmichael wrote in a letter posted on the playhouse website.

It turns out the Canadian government believes it’s appropriate to discuss transgenderism with small children – without their parents being present. I’m surprised the actors didn’t try to give the kids condoms.

Carmichael defended the production by referring to guidelines approved by the Ontario Ministry of Indoctrination…pardon me – Ministry of Education.

The curriculum states: “It is also critical to student success to create an atmosphere in which students of all body shapes and sizes, abilities, gender identities and sexual orientations, and ethnocultural, racial and religious backgrounds feel accepted, comfortable and free from harassment.”

The play was initially performed for one Catholic grade school – and it did not take them long to realize the content was definitely not age appropriate.

The school district released a statement explaining that the play “was not originally presented as a play about gender identity.”

Kudos to Catholic educators for standing their ground and ordering the playhouse to pack up and get out of their schoolhouses.

And while LGBT groups are accusing the Catholics of being homophobic and transphobic, others are applauding their resolve.

For entire story: Todd Starnes, FOX News

This story is scary, because play was able to slip by administrators  and was actually allowed to be performed in front of a very young Catholic school audience. One can only imagine how long before this play becomes mandatory viewing for every public elementary school student in North America…



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