Flailing liberal attempts to hurt the Trump dynasty continue with a call to boycott Trump Wine. The “movement” started last week and began by trying to bully Walgreens into taking the product off the shelves. When that was unsuccessful, they turned to rallying consumers to avoid the brand.
Stop Trump Wine” explains its position: “In spite of his election, we will work every day of his presidency to remind Trump and his supporters that we will not condone the bigotry, racism, and misogyny that he and his allies demonstrate.
Events during Donald Trump’s campaign made it clear that Eric Trump, the president of Trump Winery in Charlottesville, Virginia, shares the views of his father.
Let’s demonstrate through economic action that the residents and business owners of Charlottesville will not stand for the hatred espoused by Eric Trump and those like him.”
The group of course has no proof of their claims about the deficiencies in Trump’s character, and their efforts to attack their sworn enemy’s wallet is bordering on ridiculous at this point.
The effect of these liberal call to arms is always opposite of what they intend, and this case is no exception.
Fortune reports: “A group that called for Wegmans shoppers to boycott Trump-branded wine probably won’t be happy to hear that instead, bottles from Trump Winery are flying off the shelves in Virginia stores.”
(Source: Legal Insurrection)