This is why a lot of people don’t go into politics, because of the politics of personal destruction. – Larry Elder

Leftists have a stranglehold on California and have for decades. They are so desperate to keep a black conservative out of their governor’s mansion that they’re falling over themselves to convince their citizens, whom they have nothing but contempt for, that African American Larry Elder is a racist.

Leftist rag, LA Times even posted a hit piece against Elder, shamelessly titled: ‘Larry Elder is the black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned.’

Like cornered animals, fighting to keep their vicious lie alive, they claim that conservatives are bigoted, intolerant, white-privileged racists…even if they’re black.

Elder tells Sean Hannity that Senator Dianne Feinstein is more feeble than Joe Biden and if she retires or becomes incapacitated, democrats fear he will appoint a Republican to replace her thus shifting the balance in the senate.

“They are scared to death. They know that if California can elect a conservative governor…that any state can.”


Nothing spells desperation more than denigrating an intelligent, accomplished conservative black man and claiming he’s a white supremacist. And nothing demonstrates utter stupidity more than believing such tripe.

Please go to to support this great patriot.

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