At the height of his presidential campaign, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden holed himself away in the comfort of his basement to campaign over fears of COVID.

As it turns out, aside from keeping himself safe from the Chinese virus, old Joe’s also very good at avoiding dangerous snowflakes. Today, it was announced that after a 2-inch dusting of snow in Washington DC, Biden would be canceling his speech at the State Department, located only two blocks from the White House, over safety concerns?

The New York Post reports – Biden kept late-afternoon plans to host 10 Republican senators to discuss COVID-19 relief at the White House but canceled plans to speak at the State Department a few blocks away.

After 10 p.m. Sunday, Biden tweeted a daytime photo of himself outside a snowy West Wing, writing, “Grateful for the short commute on days like these.”

Hours later, a White House official confirmed to a pool reporter that the State Department trip was nixed due to the snow.

“He looks forward to visiting later this week when the agency’s staff and diplomats can more safely commute to attend,” the official said.

On November 1, for almost an hour, President Trump spoke to a massive crowd of Trump supporters at an outdoor rally in Michigan while an incredible, freezing cold wind pelted him in the face.

We attended President Trump’s rally in Washington, Michigan. Thousands of Trump supporters watched him being pelted in the face by an incredible wind, while he spoke to his massive crowd of mostly blue-collar workers in sub-zero temperatures with the wind-chill factor.


Someone needs to tell Marshmallow Joe how a real president rolls when faced with a little blip in the weather…


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