I wish this was a joke!
#BlackLivesMatter protesters, loot stores, stop traffic for thousands of commuters, throw molotov cocktails, rocks and bricks at innocent police officers assigned to keeping the protesters and innocent civilians safe, discriminately beat up White people…well just because they’re White (see video below) But if they get arrested…they’re asking WHITE people to bail them out? You can’t make this up…
Here is a list of things the Black Lives Matter protesters rioters need from their Charlotte SURJ Facebook page:
#CharlotteProtest Beating man begging for mercy in parking garage. @AC360 @seanhannity @BretBaier Credit:Lenard Bennett (facebook) @ncnaacp pic.twitter.com/YWHEU2UV1n
— Vintage Retweeter ❁ (@NikkiBAEley) September 22, 2016
h/t to Allison for sharing this with 100% FED UP!