Poor, out-of-touch Mini-Mike.

No matter what he does, he just can’t seem to connect with voters.

Fox News reports – During a Fox News Town Hall in Manassas, Va., tonight, former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg said he plans to eat at a Chinese restaurant very soon to show solidarity against overblown domestic fears of a coronavirus pandemic.

Bloomberg was asked by moderator Bret Baier of “Special Report” about what he would do economically during this time of uncertainty.

To date, several states have reported cases of coronavirus, including the mayor’s home state of New York, and six have died in Washington state from the virus — which originated in Wuhan, in China’s Hubei Province.

Bloomberg told Baier that broad financial solutions are not only where the focus should be to prevent further stock market volatility amid coronavirus fears.

“It’s not the economics, it’s the people that are afraid to go out,” he said.

“Go to Chinese restaurants all across the country here in America where there’s no reason to think whatsoever that you’re going to catch the flu — but people aren’t patronizing them,” Bloomberg continued.

“I thought to myself tonight, ‘I’m going to go to a Chinese restaurant’ — it actually turns out I can’t — but I will do it tomorrow night just to show the flag and help them.”


Great way to put a target on the backs of every Chinese restaurant in America, Mike.

The out-of-touch billionaire is having a tough week. Yesterday, he received a chilly reception at the Brown Chapel AME Church in Selma, AL after pastor Reverend Leodis Strong announced to the congregation in his introduction of the billionaire businessman that he had initially turned down the invitation to speak.

The former New York mayor then went into a speech focused on injustices faced by the black community and his policies to address racial inequality. But near the end of his speech about 10 people stood up and turned their backs on him.


Mini-Mike Bloomberg has faced severe criticism from the black community after damning unearthed audiotapes appeared on social media of the former New York mayor explaining his failed stop and frisk policy, which he admits was aimed at black youth in New York City.

The Trump campaign seized the opportunity to share how Democrat presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg really feels about young black males with this audio Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager shared on Twitter:

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