As if it’s possible for the left to go any lower. Brooklyn, NY streets are now littered with statuettes of President Trump with a sign encouraging dogs (or humans?) to urinate on the statue. While the leftists think this is funny and perfectly ok, most people who have even an ounce of civility will think it’s disgusting. This is obviously in reference to the bogus Russian dossier that claimed that President Trump asked prostitutes to urinate on a hotel bed since President Obama had stayed in the same room. This only makes the left look like the low budget goons they are…Keep it up! November is coming!

There is a ‘Pee On Me’ sign at the base of the statue with a small mention of the creator Porcupine Armadillo.   Phil Gable is the creator and discussed with Gothamist his inspiration for trashing our president:

It was partly a public service. As a dog owner, I know people get understandably annoyed when dogs pee on their flower beds. But a dog’s instinct to pee where another dog has previously peed is quite strong. They need positive places to pee. If you reward them enough for peeing in appropriate places, that’s the best way to keep them from peeing in places that annoy people. So I sprayed the whole thing down with a dog potty-training aid to make it attractive to initial users. I think we’ll have critical mass very soon.

Gable discussed how his disdain for President Trump inspired the ‘Pee On Me’ creations:

And it was largely just a personal expression of my own disdain for Donald Trump, both as a President and a human being. I find it cathartic anytime I can express disdain through comedy, especially if it’s related to politics. And this case, it’s both funny and useful, which makes me happy. I know this isn’t a grand gesture of protest. He’s not going to hear about dogs peeing on a tiny statue of him and just say “That’s it. Now, I’m stepping down.” But everybody has their own way of dealing with things. For some it’s marching. For me, it’s humor and satire. Sometimes it’s a video, sometimes it’s on stage, and this time it happened to be a weird little art project. And I felt like this week was a particularly disturbing one in the ongoing shit show that is the 45th Presidency, so it seemed like a good time to find a new, funny way to express the disgust that so many of us feel.

While I was setting it up, one woman came by with her two daughters. They really liked it—they took pictures with it, and she thanked me and said “This is the kind of thing that makes me love Brooklyn.” And being near people who appreciate this kind of thing on that kind of level makes me feel a little more hopeful.

Gable is making more of these disgusting things and plans to keep placing them on Brooklyn streets. Gable explained why he did an older Trump before but will produce an older-looking version next: “I went with the younger-looking Trump because I think that’s probably how he sees himself, especially when he’s paying Russian escorts for golden showers…”

Hurry up November!

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