As migrants are sent on buses from Texas to ‘sanctuary cities,’ these cities are beginning to experience firsthand the severe consequences that accompany an open border policy, which the Democrat lawmakers have fought so hard to maintain. One hotel in New York City, where migrants are being housed, has been trashed as many of the illegal aliens are getting drunk, using drugs, and running wild.

A former luxury hotel in New York City has been overrun by illegal immigrants who have been housed there by the government at the expense of American taxpayers. At this hotel, it is costing taxpayers about $650,000 per night to house the migrants, which equals about $500 per room.

One of the employees at the hotel spoke to Fox News about the horrible state the hotel has fallen into since the immigrants moved in.

Felipe Rodriguez, an employee at Row NYC hotel in Midtown Manhattan, provided insight into the chaos that has taken over the once-luxury hotel, as well as his fears for the safety of the community.

“It’s a lot different when I joined the row in 2017, it was a great place to work… you came in there was no stress,” said Rodriguez. “There was a nice environment where you could associate with the guests and the exchange was pleasant. Now… this is a migrant hotel… We don’t have guests anymore. They sold the entire hotel from the fourth floor to the 28th floor. It’s all migrants.”

Rodriguez made it clear that, despite all the chaos, some of the migrants are “real great people” who are just “looking for the American dream.”

“Unfortunately, the government didn’t vent out just the right people to come into the program and just sent anybody. So we got people who are… getting drunk, using marijuana. They are punching and beating their wives or their girlfriends. We have teenagers running around wild around the hotel, opening the fire exit doors. It’s a mess.”

Rodriguez added that young people are “having sex in the stairs,” and said that a fight broke out between a migrant and a hotel security officer.

He revealed that the migrants have begun to act like they own the hotel, and the employees have completely lost control over the situation.

“The form in which they keep their rooms is horrendous,” Rodriguez said. “They don’t clean it, they don’t fold their clothes. They’re hoarding clothes, they’re hoarding whatever they can hoard.”

“Fortunately for the migrants, they got the government of the United States to hand them carte blanche to pretty much do as they wish. They go in and out of the hotel at will,” said Rodriguez.

The hotel employee also revealed the shocking amount of food waste at the hotel. Rodriguez shared footage and images of the unbelievable amount of food the hotel had to throw out every day because the migrants wouldn’t eat it, reportedly wanting different food.

“I was shocked,” said Rodriguez. “It was mind-boggling, and when I asked some of the guests… they said they [didn’t] like it.”

Rodriguez also shared his concerns for his personal safety and for the safety of those in the surrounding community.

“It is nice to see that we have people that believe in the American dream, and it’s good for them to come here and look for that, but I think that we owe New Yorkers and we owe all citizens the right to make sure that our neighborhoods are safe,” he said.

“There is no safety in our job,” continued Rodriguez. “Security is very shorthanded… we don’t know who’s drunk and who’s going to… do some crazy stuff.”

“The ones that have all the power are the migrants. The hotel workers lost their power in the hotel.”

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