One photo posted by all mainstream media showing the chaos at the border tells everything about the narrative trying to be pushed to Americans. “Women and children” is all you hear in the news about the caravan. It’s the media mantra. So it’s no wonder that the only photo being used to tell the story about migrants rushing our border is the one below:

A woman with two children was photographed fleeing the chaos. It’s all you see with CNN, MSNBC, NYT, and other media sources. Do they not have photos of anyone else or is photo EXACTLY what they want to portray?

The fact is that there are very few women and children at the border. We’ve watched in several videos that the women and children are always pushed to the front to garner sympathy for the group and to stop the border patrol from using force. Who puts their children in situations like this?

Rodney Scott of the San Diego Border Patrol explained what happened yesterday:

“What we saw over and over yesterday was that the group…the caravan, as we call them…would push women and children to the front and then begin, basically, rocking our agents.”

They use women and children regularly.” – National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd

In fact, the Chief Patrol Agent for San Diego said these people could have surrendered but didn’t (see video below).


“I kind of challenge that it was a peaceful protest or that the majority of these people were claiming asylum,” says the Chief Patrol Agent, San Diego Sector Border Control, explaining the decision to use tear gas. “42 crossed the border and were arrested”

“If they were truly asylum seekers, they would have just walked up and surrendered and that did not take place,” says the Chief Patrol Agent, San Diego Sector Border Control, defending the decision to use tear gas.

This is all planned to cause political ramifications to the Trump administration. The false narrative must be pushed back on. The American people need the truth about what’s going on.

MSNBC’s Gadi Schwartz refutes the media narrative by reporting from the ground in Mexico that the majority of people in the migrant caravan are not women and children, but rather men who are not seeking asylum:

ANCHOR: “It’s innocent women and children right?”

REPORTER: “From what we’ve seen, the majority are actually men and some of these men have not articulated that need for asylum”

The reporter isn’t following the fake narrative the media has been putting out there. He’s telling the truth. Most of the caravan is made up of men.


Our recent report from Ami Horowitz is the best we’ve seen. He embedded himself in the caravan to see who is there and ask why they’re there:

Documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz gives the lowdown on the migrant caravan on Lou Dobbs Tonight:

It’s important to let people know the truth about what’s at our southern border. It’s not the picture of women and children that the mainstream media wants to portray (see video below). The bleeding heart liberals and Democrats want you to think it’s perfectly fine to open our borders to everyone. The problem is that what you’ve been told is a lie.

There are over 500 criminals within the caravan and it is NOT made up of mostly women and children. Horowitz embedded himself into the caravan and found out the truth about how “highly organized” it is:

Notice how the interviewer is totally clueless about the caravan but Horowitz pulls him back to reality…

While our media and Democrats are complicit in the deceit about what’s heading our way, people like Ami Horowitz are doing the important work that REAL journalists do. Kudos to him for finding out for the American people what’s going on.



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