Could someone out there explain how a huge stash of ammo like this isn’t protected with better security? Is anyone else thinking this would be a perfect thing for terrorists to steal?

CRATER LAKE – Oregon — Someone has stolen thousands of rounds of ammunition from a locked building at Crater Lake National Park, and the National Park Service is asking for the public’s help in finding the whoever is responsible.

According to a news release Friday from the Park Service, the rifle and pistol ammunition was stolen from a locked building in the park’s headquarters area:

The theft was discovered Monday morning when a ranger noticed a door in that building was open, and when he looked in he noticed the missing ammunition, Evans said.

That volume of ammunition was normal for the rangers, who use it for training, qualification and regular law-enforcement operations

Its theft is a felony.

Anyone with information that could help invesitgators is asked to contact the Investigative Services Branch by phone, text, website, email or social media. Callers can remain anonymous, although investigators are offering up to $1,000 for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of whoever is responsible.

Anyone with information can call the ISB tip line at 1-888-653-0009, text to 1-202-379-4761 or email to [email protected]. Tips also can be sent via Twitter to @SpecialAgentsNPS or sent to the branch’s Facebook page at @InvestigativeServicesNPS. Tipsters can remain anonymous.

Read more: Register Guard


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