After the recent murder of nursing student Laken Riley, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas wants to remind us all that he has nothing to do with it.

Only the murder is responsible.

Not those that let the murder into the house.

“Hey, you there at the side gate. What’s that you got? A knife? A machete? You say you’ve killed before and you want to come in? Sure, c’mon on in! It’s not even my house but c’mon in! Make yourself at home!”

Minutes later welcomed guest kills unsuspecting resident.

“That’s terrible. But don’t look at me. The murderer did it. I was just offering hospitality.”

Along with crime increasing due to the open border, many have pointed out that this was allowed due to the voting nature of these illegal immigrants.

History shows that this group consistently votes Democrat.

But that truth was just too much for Mayorkas.

He may be able to brush off the slaying of a young girl, but when it comes to calling out the tactics of Democrats, you’ve crossed the line!

The Washington Examiner reports:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas rejected the idea that increased crossings into the United States along the southern border are meant to shift the country’s “political dynamics.”

While appearing on State of the Union on Sunday, Mayorkas commented on former President Donald Trump‘s suggestion that President Joe Biden wants to allow migrants to cross the border to establish a new voter base.

“Of course not, and the facts indicate that that is absolutely false,” Mayorkas said. “Since May of last year, we have removed or returned more individuals than in any year since 2015, and we haven’t even run 12 months. Over the last three years, we’ve removed, returned, or expelled more people than in all four years of the prior administration.”

Mayorkas also took issue with how Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) has handled the border crisis, saying that the Texas governor is “purposefully refusing to coordinate” with other government officials. He also said Abbott is “trying to wreak havoc in other cities,” a reference to the governor busing immigrants to major cities in the U.S., such as New York City, Washington, D.C., and Chicago.

“That is not a model of governance,” Mayorkas said. “And he couldn’t be more wrong.”

The border crisis is a matter Trump has been vocal on during and after his time in the White House. It will likely remain a major factor in the 2024 presidential election. On Thursday, Trump visited the border city of Eagle Pass, Texas, alongside Abbott. On the same day, Biden made his second trip to the border as president, which was about 325 miles away from where Trump was.

Mayorkas’s priority is ensuring that you use the proper Democrat lexicon for these people and call them non-citizen!

He can tolerate open borders and having our daughters murdered but ZERO TOLERANCE for using the wrong term for these invaders.

Have you noticed how obsessed liberals are about controlling language and terms?

Of course, Mayorkas has been involved in ensuring the immigrant invasion continues.

A phrase comes to mind about blood on his hands.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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