Please see the statement from Meals on Wheels below!

The left has been going crazy over Meals on Wheels being cut in Trump’s budget. even put out a propaganda video that skirts the budget issue put promotes the program:

Below is the comment in red that put up before the video. Notice how they say NOTHING about the budget but just state that the program helps people. They’re clearly fear mongering with vague information and NO FACTS. If you would like to go to the post on Facebook and hammer them with the statement below that’s DIRECTLY from Meals on Wheels, here’s the link: Facebook Post On Meals on Wheels
Trump wants to cut Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels America is one program Donald J. Trump wants to cut in his federal budget plan. It’s especially outrageous because according to one Meals on Wheels director, “we’re delivering a meal but we’re delivering a lot more because sometimes we’re the only people that this person may see…” Share the message.

Notice how the people in the video just speak about how the program helps people BUT doesn’t discuss budget? That’s because they’re only fear mongering and nothing else…Shame on them!

MEALS ON WHEELS CAME OUT WITH A STATEMENT TO CLEAR THINGS UP:“The nationwide Meals on Wheels network, comprised of 5,000, local, community-based programs, receives 35% of its total funding for the provision of congregate and home-delivered meals from the federal government through the Older Americans Act, administered by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living. Other federal funding sources that support Meals on Wheels program operations may include the Community Development Block Grant, Community Services Block Grant or the Social Services Block Grant. In addition, programs rely on contributions from state or local governments, private donations and other resources to cover the rest, demonstrating one of the best examples of a successful public-private partnership. Meals on Wheels America, the largest and oldest national organization representing senior nutrition programs across the country, receives only 3% of its funding from the government, specifically to run the National Research Center on Nutrition and Aging.”


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