A fourth-year medical student attending Wake Forest School of Medicine was caught bragging on Twitter about abusing a patient with a needle because he laughed at her pronoun pin.

In her tweet, she admits that she intentionally stuck the patient twice while drawing blood just because he offended her. Her Twitter account has since been deleted.

Her disturbing tweet said:

“I had a patient I was doing a blood draw on see my pronoun pin and loudly laugh to the staff, “She/Her? Well of course it is! What other pronouns even are there? It?

I missed his vein so he had to get stuck twice”


On Tuesday, the Wake Forest School of Medicine addressed this incident in a public tweet, saying:

“Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This student’s tweet does not reflect how Wake Forest University School of Medicine treats patients and provides patient care. We are taking measures to address this with the student.”


It is unclear what, if any, disciplinary action or criminal charges will be brought upon the med student, Kychelle Del Rosario.

Del Rosario has devoted herself to supporting transgender rights, is reportedly the leader of the “Southern Trans Health and Wellness Conference Planning Committee” at Wake Forest Med School, and got a med school scholarship after writing an essay in which she talks about being a leader in ‘Safe Zone in Medicine’, a group which she said “educates health professionals about the needs and disparities in LGBTQ+ healthcare.”

4th-year med student, Kychelle Del Rosario

“This role prepares me to become a trustworthy doctor and advocate for the transgender community—a population which the medical field has harmed greatly in the past,” wrote Del Rosario. This is quite the ironic statement considering she has come under fire for being quite the untrustworthy doctor… at least for those who aren’t transgender.

According to Fox News, in Del Rosario’s scholarship essay she also expressed how she was “outraged and disheartened by the countless horrors transgender patients” experience in health care, and that many avoid seeking medical treatment “due to fear of discrimination and mistreatment.”

It seems like those who fear discrimination and mistreatment would be better off not turning to Del Rosario for treatment.

This is absolutely unacceptable behavior from someone trying to become a doctor and demonstrates that she is incapable of controlling her personal emotions when she dislikes a patient. In the real world, she will be forced to treat many people who she might not particularly like, but to just be a med student and already getting “revenge” on a patient is not a good sign for how she will treat patients in the future.

Perhaps the most alarming thing is that she sees absolutely no wrongdoing and is so comfortable with her actions that she goes and tweets about it… that is truly disturbing.

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