We can’t be certain, but it almost looked like Megyn had blood coming out of her eyes during her interview with the soft-spoken and sensible Dr. Ben Carson…
Megyn Kelly pressed Dr. Ben Carson to explain why the Khan family should apologize to Donald Trump, instead of the other way around.
Carson said that the Khans said things that are “false,” like that Trump had never read the Constitution.
When Kelly said that Khizr Khan was stating his opinion, Carson said that was “unreasonable.”
Kelly said that she knew Carson as an “empathetic” and “kind” man, and asked him if he “really believe that this Gold Star Family should apologize to Donald Trump – that has sacrificed their son to protect this nation, that were viciously attacked by the presidential nominee – that they owe him an apology?”
Carson responded that society has gotten itself into a “tug of war” where people try to demonize each other, and that Trump and the Khans need to realize that they are on the same side. Via: Fox News