When you create the conditions for Clown World, don’t be surprised to see that world exploited by others.

Reality gets inverted.

That’s what the woke hivemind has given us.

A tech career conference for women in Orlando provided a prime example last week.

Outkick reported on the debacle that transpired at the Grace Hopper Celebration.

According to its website, the Grace Hopper Celebration:

Created in 1994 and inspired by the legacy of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, the AnitaB.org flagship event Grace Hopper Celebration brings the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront.

However, men took over the conference this year.


They simply registered as “non-binary.”

“Thank you to everyone who participated at GHC 23 the world’s largest gathering of women and non-binary technologists. We are The Way Forward in the tech industry,” the conference’s website states.


According to journalist Joseph Cox, hundreds of women left the event in tears.

404 Media reports:

A conference meant to provide a space for women and non-binary technologists was overrun by men — and attendees report standing in hours-long lines to talk to recruiters, being shoved and harassed, and watching men jump over escalators to cut in line ahead of other attendees. Conference organizers also said that some attendees lied about their gender when they registered for the event.

The Grace Hopper Celebration, named for the pioneering computer scientist, was hosted by AnitaB.org in Orlando, Florida last week, and “brings the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront,” according to the website. The conference welcomes all genders, but organizers encourage men to come as allies to women and non-binary technologists. This year, people who were there reported a massive influx of male attendees at the conference, who seemingly behaved like they were in the Hunger Games for computer scientists.

Avni Barman, the founder and CEO of Generation She, a media company for women in business and tech, told me that this year’s conference was much different than the previous years she’s attended. When she went as a college junior in 2017 and again as a senior in 2018, the gathering was crucial to her career, she said.

“I can’t speak about the years in between, but it was definitely a huge jarring difference… I was definitely pretty shocked. When I arrived at the conference, I was pretty confused about what was going on,” Barman said. “I had hundreds of girls come running to me basically in tears.”

Wokesters expressed their frustration on social media:



Outkick reports:

Female attendees expressed their frustration on social media.

“These men are acting like zoo animals, sprinting to the booths, and physically hurting some of the attendees,” one person wrote.

A product designer named Lily Li said the men didn’t attend the panels and seminars. Rather, they bolted straight for the job fair. In her TikTok video, she read comments from women who claimed they were bothered, harassed and even hit on by some of the male participants.

“This is a space for women in tech,” another Grace Hopper attendee said. “This is one of those few, limited resources that isn’t for you. It’s for us.”

“Chaos was the word of the day,” wrote a woman named Preeti Ladwa. “Many men, attending as non-allies, overstepped boundaries. We witnessed inappropriate comments, breaches of personal space, and a sheer lack of decorum.”

“We are committed to providing a celebratory space for women and non-binary technologists and we hear your concerns around male participation,” AnitaB.org, the conference host, wrote on its LinkedIn page.

“This year at GHC, we have seen an increase in participation of self-identifying males. Because transparency is paramount to our mission, we track GHC attendee demographics year over year, the overall progress of our mission, and attendee experiences.”

Cullen White, AnitaB.org Chief Impact Officer, had this message for participants at the conference.


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